
These minutes were signed off as a true and accurate on 14th November 2022

Corsenside Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 3rd of October 2022

Corsenside Parish Hall, West Woodburn at 7.30pm

Present:  Councillors: C. Hamilton (Chair), A. Wilson & S. Smith.
Clerk: C. Woodcock.  Members of the Public: None


  1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs D. Mole, J. Fenwick, C. Hawman & A. Harding
  2. Code of Conduct (Declaration of Interest): Cllr C. Hamilton in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team. Cllr A. Wilson in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale & The Green Rigg Steering Group. Cllr S. Smith in respect of Bellingham Middle School Parents, Teachers and Community Association & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team.
  3. Opportunities for members of the public to raise issues: None raised.
  4. Minutes of Corsenside Parish Council meeting held on Monday the 5th of September 2022: Signed as a true and accurate record.
  5. Matters arising from the minutes: The clerk reported the costs associated with either upgrading or replacing the council’s laptop; after discussion of the options, it was decided to purchase a new device for approximately £500.
  6. Notification of any other business for discussion, at the Chairman’s discretion, under item 21 below: Cllr C. Hamilton and Cllr S. Smith had points to raise.
  7. County Councillor’s Report: None.
  8. Ongoing Issues (formally Action Point List): 91. The clerk has maintained contact with TWM about the replacement speed signs for West Woodburn and inspection of the signs in Ridsdale, so far there has been no confirmation of the dates of any planned action. Councillors requested the clerk to continue to keep in touch with TWM, so these points are not forgotten. 95. The clerk has continued to request the installation of the goal posts and will follow this up to hasten completion.  
  9. Play Area: The clerk reported difficulties getting a local quote to install the replacement steppingstone logs, a new supplier was suggested so the clerk will make contact. Recycled plastic replacements were difficult to source and prohibitively expensive. Cllr C Hamilton received complaints about cat faeces in the play area again, the clerk has contacted animal Welfare at NCC who have visited the area and, despite finding it clean, escalated the complaint to various other departments. The concern that the mess is being dumped there rather than resulting from a loose cat is in discussion. The clerk has been asked to update parishioners via the local Facebook page. During NCC’s site visit the staff were concerned about toadstools seen, clerk is to seek advice on whether these are safe here and what can be done to remedy the situation if needed.
  10. Volunteers and Community Spending: The clerk has been contacted by a parishioner concerned over the planters in East and West Woodburn that have not been regularly maintained recently. There is some local motivation to help tend to these but concern over a lack of financial support. The matter was discussed at length and the recent climate pledge also taken into consideration. Cllr S Smith has volunteered to share some plants for use and liaise with the clerk who has been authorised to purchase some perennial plants as needed. It is hoped that a low maintenance arrangement can be created that will also benefit native pollinators.
  11. Wind Power Stations & BANTR: Nothing to report.
  12. Parish Hall: Nothing to report.
  13. Revitalising Redesdale: Cllr C. Hawman shared in her absence that the feedback from matters discussed in September’s Parish Council meeting have been passed on to RR. This project came to an end in September with only skeleton staff remaining in place until December to finalise ongoing matters. A local end of project event was well attended with details about the conclusion of the project shared widely.
  14. West Woodburn First School – School Field:  The clerk described ongoing contact between our solicitors and NCC to clarify the legal boundaries of the land before transfer. All steps to bring this to a swift conclusion are to be taken.
  15. Planning Matters: Following our enquiries about how the Climate Change Toolkit effects planning decisions NCC explained they are in the process of developing a Renewable Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which will give guidance on energy efficiency and renewable technology measures which we will support within the planning process.
    a) For decision- None,  b) Decisions from NCC  - 22/01750/FUL Birch Cottage Parkside NE48 2RA - GRANTED
  16. Other correspondence: None.
  17. Finances –   a) Invoices for payment – i. Grass cutting £129.60 & £129.60 ii. Adult & Child Defibrillator Pads Ridsdale £242.94, iii. USB storage device & magnets £36.47, iv. PCC donation towards grass cutting £300.00, v. Spanglefish Gold Website subscription £29.95, vi. Adult Defibrillator Pad Ridsdale £64.00, vii. CW Wages (20.5 hours) - £227.14 b) Income – Precept part 2 £4250, c) Bank Balance £14,490.40
  18. Matters for discussion at the chairman’s discretion: Cllr S Smith wished to express thanks to the Parish Show Committee on behalf of the council for a well organised and attended show. A pack of information to share with potential new councillors is to be updated as necessary by the clerk for use.  Cllr S Smith also explained that, in her professional capacity, she will be in attendance of a meeting with North of Tyne Mayor Jamie Driscoll about funding for green projects, her offer to relay any information of potential benefit to the parish was welcomed by the council. Cllr C Hamilton reported a large infestation of rats in Ridsdale which has persisted despite efforts of residents. Clerk to report this to NCC.
  19. Next Meeting: Monday 14th November 2022, 7.30pm Corsenside Parish Hall- Supper Room. *
    Meeting ended 8.35pm.


Action Point List (October):

  • CW to maintain contact with TWM – ongoing
  • CW to seek quote for recycled plastic steppingstones – ongoing
  • CW to find company to install new steppingstone posts – ongoing
  • CW to chase solicitor for asset transfer progress/completion - ongoing
  • CW to monitor cat faeces situation in conjunction with NCC and share information online
  • CW to research toadstools and assess safety concerns
  • SS and CW to source plants and ensure planters are addressed
  • CW to request NCC address rat infestation
  • CW to buy new laptop

Christine Woodcock, Corsenside Parish Council Clerk,   
07737518867 corsensideparishclerk@hotmail.com

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