
Corsenside Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th of January 2023

Bay Horse Inn, West Woodburn at 7.30pm

Present:  Councillors: C. Hamilton (Chair), C. Hawman, A. Wilson, D. Mole & K. Traill.
Clerk: C. Woodcock.  Members of the Public: One.


  1. Apologies for absence: Cllr S. Smith,
  2. Councillor Vacancy: A warm welcome was extended to Karen Traill and the necessary paperwork was completed to co-opt Cllr Traill to the Parish Council. The remaining vacancy was discussed, NCC have confirmed that CPC are free to co-opt in order to fill this position. The councillors intend to spread the word locally and seek volunteers, a preference was expressed for candidates living in West Woodburn which would ensure all of the Parish is represented. In the event of multiple volunteers, it was agreed that they should be invited to give an informal introduction of themselves in order that the person best suited to the role may be invited to join.
  3. Code of Conduct (Declaration of Interest): Cllr C. Hamilton in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team. Cllr C Hawman in respect of North Tyne Youth and The Gun at Ridsdale. Cllr A. Wilson in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale; The Green Rigg Steering Group & 13 Group. Cllr K Trail in respect of North Tyne Youth, Cllr D Mole in respect of Friends of Corsenside.
  4. Opportunities for members of the public to raise issues: The issue of the poor condition of local road surfaces was raised with mention made of flooding gullies and potholes. CPC shared this exasperation and will seek every opportunity to continue to press NCC for more support with this ongoing concern.
  5. Minutes of Corsenside Parish Council meeting held on Monday the 5th of December 2022: Signed as a true and accurate record.
  6. Matters arising from the minutes: The clerk reported that the issue of litter along Shaw Lonnen was mentioned to the local quarries who both replied that their drivers could not be the source. Attempts to secure litter picking equipment from NCC are so far unsuccessful but this will be chased up.

The problems identified by Cllr C Hawman with the drainage and muddy verges along Armstrong Street have been reported to NCC. NCC investigated and felt the drains were as they should be. NCC are reluctant to create a passing place as it would likely be used as parking instead, it will be added to the directory for consideration but unlikely to be a priority. An extension of the current 30mph zone was discussed which is likely to be prohibitively expensive however it was agreed that this could be put onto the LTP.

CW explained she had contacted the Environment Agency who in turn contacted NCC to chase up electronic Flood Warning signs for the road from WW to Bellingham. NCC responded that no such signs exist in Northumberland but that the request has been forwarded to the Highway Infrastructure Manager. CW asked if these signs are not possible what measures can be taken to ensure a swift response in times of impending floods and while not yet receiving a direct response the representative from NCC said these concerns have been passed to the Highway Delivery Team who are responsible for responding at times of emergency.

CW sought feedback on some design options for the sign intended to hang on the playing field fence and a change was made to the wording which will now include ‘Please use responsibly.’ CW questioned whether the play area or thereabouts made an accessible location for a noticeboard which may prove useful to CPC for sharing information and for community use; it was felt that the idea had merit but that the fence being low to the ground may not be ideal for mounting the board, CW to price up noticeboards which stand alone.

  1. Notification of any other business for discussion, at the Chairman’s discretion, under item 19 below: Cllr K Traill had 2 points to raise.
  2. County Councillor’s Report: None.
  3. Ongoing Issues (formally Action Point List): 91. TWM have tested the two Ridsdale signs, one is working after a basic reset, but the second sign requires a replacement Radar at a cost of £680+VAT, the council have advised CW to see if funding, perhaps from Ray Wind Farm, could be secured to cover this cost. C.Cllr John Riddle’s opinion will also be sought. 95. Chris Mowatt has been asked to remove the old goal posts from the village green, as due to their square posts they have been deemed unsafe by the FA. In the event CM is unable to do so the clerk will be asked to seek out a scrap merchant.
  4. Play Area: The 3 new stepping posts were installed on Monday the 9th and after allowing one further days closure for the cement to set the play area will reopen. CW noticed that the large gates at the top of the playing field sometimes remain open and it was decided a padlock should be used to keep these locked with access being granted to Chris Mowatt and his team.
  5. Volunteers and Community Spending: The clerk confirmed that Cllr C Hawman was correct about the damaged planter being owned by CPC and that a metal band has been purchased to effect a repair.
  6. Wind Power Stations & BANTR: Nothing to report. A representative from Corsenside, not necessarily a parish council member, is being sought to sit on the Ray Wind Farm board.
  7. Parish Hall: In advance of the meeting Rev. R. Virden shared news that the Parish Hall may be included in a scheme by Powergen. A generator would be to be supplied for use in the event of a prolonged power outage allowing the Hall to open and support the local community.  For such a scheme to be successful volunteers will be needed to supervise the sessions. CPC agreed that they would lend their support by sharing the word about the need for volunteers and that many Cllrs were themselves willing to be called upon and would help should circumstances at the time allow. CW to liaise with RV about this as plans progress. Cllr Mole continued to express a willingness to join the Parish Hall committee and will seek to attend their next meeting.
  8. Revitalising Redesdale: Cllr C. Hawman explained that the future contact for RR matters is Lydia Speakman from Natural England. The new format RR website is in use and a page for the Parish of Corsenside has been started, other parties are invited to send content for inclusion, CW to reach out to the 2 churches and await word from the Parish Show who have already been approached. Cllr Hawman still awaits confirmation re ongoing care of the RR legacy boards. Cllr Traill noted that the verge by the new Star Cairn is in poor condition and queried if this could be paved for use of visitors however Cllr Hawman explained the RR funds are now closed and no new work can be undertaken.
  9. Policies: Update to Disciplinary & Grievance Arrangements: The clerk proposed the adoption of a newer version of this policy which contained minor changes but standardised the paperwork and brought CPC up to date. Having been given access to the full paperwork ahead of the meeting Councillors universally agreed to implement NALC’s LTN 22 published in November 2019.
  10. Planning Matters: a) For decision- 22/04715/COU – Change of Use- West Woodburn First School. Clerk to enter a comment of No Objections. b) Decisions from NCC – None.
  11. Other correspondence: None.
  12. Finances –a) Invoices for payment –i. Data protection fee renewal - £40.00  ii. Clerks Wages December - 21.5 hours - £268.75   iii.   Bank Fees - £18.00   iv. Steel fixing band (for planter repair) - £8.99
    b) Income: Ray Wind Farm - £153.22                     c) Bank Balance £10,811.86
  13. Matters for discussion at the chairman’s discretion: i. Cllr K Trail reported that after recent work NCC Highways left behind broken equipment and other items of rubbish. A check is to be made and if still there CW to report for clearing and to complain to NCC ii. Cllr Traill reported a staggering increase in dog mess locally and especially in East Woodburn. Discussion centred around a high number of new pets in the area as well as increased amounts of visitors. It was decided to design and erect several new signs to educate and deter, CW is to publish information on CPC website and seek ways to contact holiday let owners and their guests.
  14. Next Meeting: Monday 6th February 2023, 7.30pm – Bay Horse.
    Meeting ended 9.20pm.


Action Point List (January):


  • All to seek suitable candidates for parish council vacancy seat
  • CW to chase up NCC for litter pickers
  • Ensure old goal posts are removed, CW contact scrap merchant if necessary
  • CW to seek funding for Radar unit to repair speed sign
  • CW to approach J,Riddle re fixing the Ridsdale speed sign
  • CW to price suitable noticeboard
  • CW to purchase padlock and lock large field gates.
  • CW to liaise with Parish Hall and spread word about volunteers as needed.
  • DM to liaise with Parish Hall committee
  • CW to contact the PCC for church inclusion on RR website
  • CW to enter a planning comment of No Objections
  • CW Highways discarded equipment to be reported- tbc
  • CW and KT to design signs re dog mess
  • CW to seek ways to contact guests staying locally and share information online about dog mess problem.



Please be aware this draft copy is subject to change.
Christine Woodcock, Corsenside Parish Council Clerk,        
07737518867 corsensideparishclerk@hotmail.com

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