
09. Minutes September 2022

These minutes were signed off as true and accurate on October 3rd 2022

Corsenside Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th of September 2022

Corsenside Parish Hall, West Woodburn at 7.30pm

Present:  Councillors: C. Hamilton (Chair), C. Hawman, A. Harding & A. Wilson.
Clerk: C. Woodcock.  Members of the Public: None


  1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs D. Mole, S. Smith & J. Fenwick.
  2. Code of Conduct (Declaration of Interest): Cllr C. Hamilton in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team. Cllr C. Hawman in respect of Revitalising Redesdale, North Tyne Youth and The Gun at Ridsdale.  Cllr A. Harding in respect of The Ray Wind Fund. Cllr A. Wilson in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale & The Green Rigg Steering Group.
  3. Opportunities for members of the public to raise issues: None raised.
  4. Minutes of Corsenside Parish Council meeting held on Monday the 4th of July 2022: Signed as a true and accurate record.
  5. Matters arising from the minutes: None raised.
  6. Notification of any other business for discussion, at the Chairman’s discretion, under item 21 below: None raised.
  7. County Councillor’s Report: None.
  8. Ongoing Issues (formally Action Point List): 91. The clerk shared details of the numerous faults and repairs which have been necessary on the speed signs over the summer. This has resulted in a total lack of confidence in the equipment and a strong complaint was made to TWM that the council should not have to be responsible for such unreliable signs once the warranty expires. TWM have now agreed to fully replace, at no cost to CPC, both signs with new models. There are no details yet of expected installation date as the signs are still in production. TWM have also agreed to revisit the Ridsdale signs which need thorough inspection and ideally repair. Cllr C. Hamilton requested that the clerk continue to monitor this situation and push for action as quickly as possible.   
    95. The necessary license has been organised so the goal posts can be installed while the school field is still under NCC ownership. Chris Mowatt has been asked to erect the goals as soon as possible and it is expected this will take place during September.
  9. Play Area: A parishioner reported damage to a steppingstone in the play area which Cllr C. Hamilton checked the same day. The piece was deemed irreparable, and a sign erected requesting it no longer be used. A second steppingstone post was found to also be showing signs of degradation so a quote for 2 new posts was sought. Playdale, who are the original provider, quoted £211.28 to provide the posts or £811.28 to also install them. The council asked the clerk to seek a reliable landscaper to install the logs at a cheaper cost and to get a quote for recycled plastic steppingstone replacements which are likely to be more durable than wood.
  10. Volunteers and Community Spending: A request will be put out in due course for volunteers to strim the long grass by the entrance to the Ironworks which is impeding access.
  11. Wind Power Stations & BANTR: Cllr A. Harding explained there was little to report other than now being in the new financial year meaning the funds are exclusively administered under the Community Interest Company framework. A new report is due to be published soon.
  12. Parish Hall: Nothing to report.
  13. Revitalising Redesdale: Cllr C. Hawman sought feedback on behalf of RR about the maintenance of their website which must remain in place for a further ten years. Various proposals were discussed at large. While the current parish clerk is willing to take on website work, this 10 year project may outlast their tenure and problems around how Revitalising Redesdale could put in place the long term finance for this were difficult to overcome. The suggestion that The Redesdale Society take on responsibility for website maintenance was deemed the most suitable. An invitation was announced for the End of Project Celebration Event on Thursday 22nd September from 6pm at Elsdon Village Hall, booking essential. 
  14. West Woodburn First School – School Field:  The clerk reported contact from the solicitor and that a measure of progress seems to have been made towards completion of the asset transfer. Action to expedite this will continue to be taken. The actions discussed at the July meeting have been carried out and Northumberland County Council have paid for the school field to be cut and repaired the fence.
  15. Climate Change Toolkit: This document from NCC which contains many suggestions for local councils tackling climate change was discussed at length. The viable options were determined to be ‘Declaring a Climate Emergency’ (clerk to action) and sharing information relevant to parishioners in order to highlight the climate problem and offer practical solutions, such as conversion of Oil based heating to Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil. The clerk has been asked to reiterate to NCC the problem of poor public transport in the parish and to request a footpath & cycleway between our 3 villages.
  16. Defibrillators: The clerk described a reported fault which may affect the West Woodburn defibrillator which will mean it is out of action several days while being repaired. It has been agreed that the Clerk now includes the Ridsdale defibrillator in her regular checks and assume full responsibility for all ongoing maintenance. A need for pediatric pads in the Ridsdale defibrillator was identified and the council unanimously agreed these, and a spare adult set of pads, should be purchased without delay. Correspondence from Elsdon Parish Council has highlighted a delay of approximately 8 weeks between ordering and receiving new pads. Therefore, despite each device holding a spare set, care must be taken to order replacement supplies promptly to avoid any machine being left out of order. As most machines in Redesdale are the same type it may be possible to loan pads from / to other parishes in an emergency. A broader discussion around the cost of regularly replacing defibrillator batteries and pads led to the suggestion that together with the other Parishes an approach to Ray Wind Farm should be made in the hope of reaching an ongoing agreement that they will cover such costs as they arise.
  17. Branding & Website: Having made the recent decision to update the website and the appearance of Parish Council documents some choices of colour and font had been shared by the clerk and a unanimous decision was made. The scope of the website was discussed, and it was decided that the focus should be on Parish Council business, public services, local community groups / charities & local history. The website aims be a useful resource for parishioners, including those very new to the area, and will signpost to other websites as necessary.
  18. Planning Matters: It was discussed that the Clerk should approach NCC with a comment or query about the notion taken from the Climate Change Toolkit that environmental factors should henceforth be informing all decisions including planning yet the framework for this does not seem to be in place.
    a) For decision – i. 22/02878/FUL (land North of West Woodburn & East of A68) – Star Cairn : Clerk to respond with no objections ii. 22/02800/FUL (Peel Cottage WW) – change of use Barn to dwelling. Clerk to respond with no objections, b) Decisions from NCC  - 21/03268/FUL (The Heads, East Woodburn): GRANTED
  19. Other correspondence: a) A request to share information to parishioners was dismissed as being a commercial enterprise and outside the council’s remit. b) The details of the upcoming pantomime were confirmed. c) An anonymous letter has complained about noise from a Cockrel on Armstrong Steet in Ridsdale, this falls outside of the jurisdiction of a parish council but NCC have advice on their website.
  20. Finances – a) Invoices for payment – i. Chris Mowatt (18/07) £129.60, ii.  Clerk Wages (July- 13h30m) £149.58, iii. Chris Mowatt (04/08) £129.60. iv.  Clerk Wages (Aug- 12h15m) £135.73,  b) Bank Balance - £10, 802.90.  c) Budget Review: A detailed breakdown of costs was shared to the councillors prior to the meeting and duly discussed. Most areas are underbudget and all expenses accounted for. The matter of software subscriptions and the council laptop was raised, and it was determined that the device would benefit from repair, upgrade or replacement given its age and speed. Expert advice on this is to be found, and an external storage device purchased to back up the contents safely. d) requests for assistance – CPC are happy to again provide the PCC with £300 for grass cutting in the churchyards, any increase to this amount will be discussed when the budget is set for the next financial year.
  21. Matters for discussion at the chairman’s discretion: None
  22. Next Meeting: Monday 3rd October 2022, 7.30pm Corsenside Parish Hall- Supper Room.
    Meeting ended 9.50pm.


Action Point List (September):

  • CW to maintain contact with TWM about replacement signs and Ridsdale inspection & push for action asap.
  • CW to seek quote for recycled plastic steppingstones
  • CW to find company to install new steppingstone posts
  • C Hawman to seek volunteer to strim Ironworks gateway as required
  • C Hawman ongoing sharing of information with RR
  • CW to chase solicitor for asset transfer progress/completion asap
  • CW to officially ‘declare climate emergency’
  • CW to prepare relevant information re climate action for parishioners
  • CW to request NCC create footpath and cycleway joining villages
  • CW to order adult and child pads for Ridsdale defib
  • CW to contact Redesdale Clerks and ultimately RWF about payment for defib supplies moving forward
  • CW to confirm panto and use clerk’s mobile number for ticket sales.
  • CW to take advice on laptop repair or replacement
  • CW to buy external storage for laptop back up (& magnets for noticeboards)


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