
Corsenside Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 5th of December 2022

Corsenside Parish Hall, West Woodburn at 7.30pm

Present:  Councillors: C. Hamilton (Chair), C. Hawman, A. Harding, A. Wilson & S. Smith.
Clerk: C. Woodcock.  Members of the Public: None


  1. Apologies for absence: Cllr D. Mole,
  2. Code of Conduct (Declaration of Interest): Cllr C. Hamilton in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team. Cllr C Hawman in respect of Revitalising Redesdale, North Tyne Youth and The Gun at Ridsdale. Cllr A. Wilson in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale; The Green Rigg Steering Group & 13 Group. Cllr S. Smith in respect of Bellingham Middle School Parents, Teachers and Community Association & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team.
  3. Opportunities for members of the public to raise issues: None.
  4. Minutes of Corsenside Parish Council meeting held on Monday the 14th of November 2022: Signed as a true and accurate record.
  5. Matters arising from the minutes: Cllr C Hamilton confirmed that he has publicly shared information about the rats at Ridsdale so parishioners can take preventative measures. Details of the fungi in the play area and the extension of NCC’s Protection of Public Spaces Order regarding dog fouling were also shared online. Following the resignation of Jill Fenwick the vacancy on the council was advertised and as no election was triggered CPC is now free to co-opt a new councillor. Karen Traill has been asked and is willing to take on the role, and the council agreed unanimously. KT will be invited to the next meeting to begin her role.
  6. Notification of any other business for discussion, at the Chairman’s discretion, under item 18 below: Cllr C. Hawman, the clerk and Cllr S. Smith had points to raise.
  7. County Councillor’s Report: None.
  8. Ongoing Issues (formally Action Point List): 91. TWM have collected the Ridsdale speed signs for inspection, we await their report. The replacement signs for West Woodburn are still due to be installed in December. 95. Chris Mowatt has completed installation of the goal posts on the former school field to the great satisfaction of the council. It was suggested that a sign be made to ensure the public know they have access to this area and are welcome to play. 96. There is no news relating to the road surface on the Lonnen. CPC have scheduled a review of this for early 2023. 97. There is some hope that the problem of speeding on Armstrong Street has abated, however it has been noted that the current 30mph zone no longer includes all the houses, CW to enquire about the possibility of and process for extending this zone. 
  9. Play Area: Cllr C Hamilton performed an inspection today and, with the exception of the stepping stones scheduled to be replaced, all equipment was found to be in good order.  CW to follow up the order of the new stepping stones and hasten their installation wherever possible.
  10. Volunteers and Community Spending: Cllr C Hawman reported a planter in need of timely repair to prevent further deterioration, CW felt it was not CPC property but privately owned – this is to be checked.   Clerk reported that the replacement pads for the West Woodburn defibrillator will be paid for by the Ray Wind Farm Fund.
  11. Wind Power Stations & BANTR: Cllr A Harding has now resigned from Ray Wind Farm creating a vacancy in this area, the position may be filled by a Councillor but that is not essential. There are two monthly meetings involved for whoever takes on the role. Cllr Harding will provide details of the position to Cllr C Hamilton so they can be shared; Cllr Hamilton thanked Cllr Harding for his work with the Wind Farms and acting as a useful liaison for many years.
  12. Parish Hall: Nothing to report.
  13. Revitalising Redesdale: Cllr C. Hawman shared that Corsenside Walks leaflets will be rebranded and included as part of Redesdale’s walks. These leaflets will be available locally and to download; their designs will be held on file by Northumberland National Park for future use.  The star cairn has been put into place with the star disk which will go inside in final production. The future of the RR website is secure with Rothbury company Lazy Grace hosting and maintaining it until December 2032. Some pages will be locked and remain the same but new Community pages are planned for local groups, these will have the facility to be regularly updated. This task is to be included in the role of Clerk, CW to attend the training sessions and liaise with Lazy Grace about managing a CPC page, which could contain info about other Corsenside groups and events.
    Cllr Hawman will follow up on points she has not yet been informed of such as who will be responsible for ongoing care, including insurance, of the RR installations such as legacy boards. Cllr C Hamilton expressed his gratitude on behalf of the council to Cllr Hawman for her five years of work with this project.
  14. West Woodburn First School – School Field: Cllr Hamilton explained that confusion arose upon nearing the completion of the asset transfer when NCC provided CPC with the bill for their legal fees. This was disputed as not having been agreed to in advance. It became apparent that NCC had failed to explain this expectation at the outset as would have been normal practice and after intervention from County Councillor John Riddle their legal fees were waived. The asset transfer of the former school field from NCC to CPC was completed on 2nd December. CW to announce this on the Clarion Facebook page.
  15. Planning Matters: a) For decision- None  b) Decisions from NCC – None. CW explained that after an apology from NCC following the queries around plans that went unanswered any questions should now be entered directly into the official comments on the planning portal.
  16. Other correspondence: i) Cllr A Harding has officially submitted his resignation with Cllr C Hamilton taking the opportunity to sincerely thank him for his many years of work on the Council. CW has been asked to post the vacancy notice ii) The Parish Hall shared that they have given consent for work by Climate Action Northumberland to go ahead and install solar panels iii) A parishioner has reported that the problem of litter along Shaw Lonnen which was bad several years ago has, after an absence, noticeably worsened. The items appear to be food and drinks packaging thrown from vehicles despite the bin there. There is concern that one source could be vehicles from the quarry. CW to contact the quarry and ask if they could share news of the problem with their staff and ask for assistance. Clerk is also to ask NCC for litter picking equipment and see if a community event could be organised to help clear local areas during winter while the grass is low iv) An invitation to NCC’s Town, Parish and Communities Conference has been received, CW and Cllr S Smith to accept v) NCC’s Community Chest has funding available for Community Groups, Charities and Social Enterprises, clerk to share information to any interested parties.
  17. Finances –a) Invoices for payment – i) Emmerson’s Solicitor- £458.20, ii) Christine Woodcock Wage Arrears- £185.10, iii) Karen Traill Wage Arrears - £36.25, iv) Chris Mowatt Goal Post Installation £382.50, v) Clerks Wages November - 19.5 hours - £239.46, vi) Corsenside Parish Hall Room hire (March - Nov inc) - £114.00 vii) Thank you gift re Panto tickets £9.99 viii) 2 sets Pads WW defib - £153.22  b) Bank Balance £11575.81 c) Precept Meeting- Cllr C. Hamilton, Cllr A. Wilson and the Clerk met in November to review the current budget and plan for the coming year.  The recommendation was to increase the precept to £9250 which leaves a small shortfall to be covered by CPC reserves. Over the coming years the aim is that income from the Precept will come into line with annual spending without the need to draw on reserves. All councillors agree with this plan and the new precept amount. The budget will be reviewed at the end of the financial year to get accurate information for future decisions. d) Clerk Annual Performance Review: Cllr C Hamilton described the meeting between himself and the Clerk where the role was discussed and some fresh targets were set for next year. It was decided that the role was being carried out to satisfaction and progression to Salary Scale 11 (in line with the National Joint Council salary agreement) was recommended, an increase of 22p per hour to £12.50 per hour. This was agreed by the Council.
  18. Matters for discussion at the chairman’s discretion: Cllr C Hawman explained problems with the road surface and the verges at the far end of Armstrong Street. CW to ask NCC to address the raised drain and see if a passing place can be put in where the muddy verges are currently.  Cllr S Smith reported during recent bad weather, despite raising the alarm about coming volume of water very promptly, neither NCC nor the Environment Agency responded in time and as such the road from WW to Bellingham was not closed to traffic until after it was flooded. Previous plans by NCC or EA to instal electronic road closure signs that could be activated remotely were mentioned and deemed to be ideal. CW to see it this can be organised.
  19. Next Meeting: Monday 9th January 2023, 7.30pm – Bay Horse.
    Meeting ended 9.15pm.


Action Point List (December):

  • CW to complete paperwork re co-option of K.Traill to council.
  • CW to source signage for former school field
  • CW to ensure a review of the situation with the Lonnen takes place in coming months
  • CW to chase delivery of walking logs.
  • CW to check if planter near foundry is CPC property
  • CW to attend training with Lazy Grace if possible
  • CW to announce procurement of school field
  • CW to post vacancy notices
  • CW to contact quarry for help about the litter
  • CW to ask NCC for litter pickers etc
  • CW to see about a group litter pick next year
  • CW to perform end of year budget review
  • CW to request PRECEPT of £9250
  • CW to report raised drain & discuss turning verge into proper passing place
  • CW to chase up electronic road closure signs for use during flooding


Please be aware this draft copy is subject to change.
Christine Woodcock, Corsenside Parish Council Clerk,        
07737518867 corsensideparishclerk@hotmail.com

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