High & Low Worsall Parish Council
The Parish Council meets every third Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the Supper Room of Worsall Village Hall.
A schedule of meetings can be found on the Village Notice Board next to the Post Box on Village Road.
Whilst every effort is taken to stick to the schedule sometimes meetings may be re-arranged or even cancelled, every effort is made to ensure information about a cancellation or re-arrangement is advised on the Notice Board.
Members of the public are welcome as observers in accordance with the Statutory Code.
The Parish Council is made up of 6 elected Councillors, 5 representing Low Worsall and 1 representing High Worsall.
The Low Worsall Councillors are:
Cllr Debbie Bivens
Cllr Chris Guy
Cllr Greg Rubin
Cllr Alison Woodward
Cllr Ken Twiss
The High Worsall Councillor is:
Cllr Brian Bainbridge
Joanne Staples is the Parish Council Clerk.
County Council Representative for Swale Division
County Councillor Annabel Wilkinson