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Welcome to Blundeston & Flixton Parish Council Website


The villages of Blundeston and Flixton are situated on the East coast of England, in North Suffolk, between the towns of Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft.

Parish Council Meetings are generally held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7.30pm in Blundeston Village Hall.  Members of the public are welcome and there is a 15 minute slot in the meetings for questions from the floor.  To check the date of the next meeting please follow this link.



Blundeston and Flixton Parish Council is committed to the environment, its preservation and enhancement. The Council are in favour of encouraging the use of bicycles, walking and environment friendly transport and replacing normal light bulbs with energy efficient ones. The Council does all that it can to encourage the conservation of water, energy, peat, tropical hard wood and the disuse of harmful chemicals.

The Council is doing all that it can to encourage biodiversity, habitat enhancement, habitat creation and making the same available to the local public for their enjoyment and education.

The above policy was unanimously agreed by the Council at their meeting on 7 October 2002.


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