22 April 2022
Parish Assembly

Every year (pandemics permitting) the village holds an assembly to celebrate successes, catch up on changes and news, air grievances, and generally talk about how to make life in the village even better. 

The structure is formal, but the meeting is generally friendly and sociable. Sometimes lots of people come, other times just the hardcore politicos turn up. 

These are legally required meetings and anything decided here is always considered very seriously by the Parish Council and, by law, other councils have to take note of what's been said and decided, too. 

If you care about your village or if you just want to find out what's going on, you could do worse than put this date in your diary: Wednesday 11 May, 7.30, Sports Pavilion.

There will be an agenda (watch for it on this site next week), but there's an open forum, too, so anything goes in terms of items that can be raised.

Go on, give it a go!

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