Ever thought what you can do to help yourself if you live in a flood risk area? Read on for some important tips.
What you can do now.
1. Put important documents out of flood risk & protect in watertight polythene bags or containers.
2. Check your insurance covers you for flooding.
3. Look at the best way of stopping floodwater entering your property.
4. Make a Flood Plan & prepare a Flood Kit. (see 7.)
5. Sandbags Location: Dollens Farm. These will be distributed upon warning of flooding.
6. Identify who can help you in the event of a flood. (Family, Friends, Neighbours. Keep their contact details to hand.)
Contact me, Graham (Flood Warden) Tel 342193 or Email graham@tankie01.plus.com to discuss the kind of help you may require.
7. Identify what you would need to take with you if you had to evacuate your home.
Flood Plan & Kit ideas
. Move furniture & electrical items to safety.
. Put Flood Boards, Polythene & Sandbags in place.
. Turn off Electricity, Water & Gas supplies.
. Roll up carpets & rugs & move to a higher level.
. Move Sentimental items to safety.
. Put important documents in polythene, watertight bags & move to safety.
. Move your car out of the flood risk area.
. Move heavy & loose items in the garden & weigh down.
. In case you have to be evacuated from your home think about getting a flood kit together in advance. Include:
Torch, Mobile Phone & contact numbers of family, friends etc. Warm, Waterproof Clothing, Water, Food, Medication, Children’s Toys, Wellingtons, Money, Pets & their leads.
This is just a guidance to help you. I am sure you can think of more things & if you do add them to your plan.
Remember the 6 Ps.
“Prior Planning & Preparation Prevents a Poor Performance”
Are you aware the Environment Agency
has a Telephone Number you can call
to register with to receive Free Flood infomation
and Flood Alerts.
This will give you prior warning of possible Flooding to
the village and your property.
You will be notified by Text,Email or Land line,
which ever you chose on registration.
This is a worth while service as it enables you to
prepare in advance of possible Flooding.
Telephone to register your preferences on:
0345 988 1189.