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01 December 2009


Cheveley, Ashley, Kirtling, Upend, Woodditton, Little Ditton, Saxon Street, Stetchworth, Stetchworth Ley, Dullingham, Dullingham Ley, Cross Green, Brinkley, Burrough Green, Westley Waterless and Newmarket.
Hello everyone
Welcome to the monthly report for November 2009 for our area. I hope you are all well and keeping warm enough! It has really started to turn cold now and the nights are drawing in. On my travels out and about in the villages I have noticed how beautiful the area is looking at the moment, with the leaves turning and falling. I have to say that I do feel very lucky in my job at this time of year to be able to enjoy such beautiful scenery. In the past few weeks we have had 4 burglaries and 2 attempted burglaries.. One was in Dullingham on 09/11/09 where offender(s) gained access into a property through a rear garage door and stole electronic equipment In Saxon Street we had criminal damage to a bench outside a church, and in Brinkley damage to a wooden fence outside a Memorial Hall. Unfortunately nobody so far has heard or seen anything, but if you have noticed somebody committing those crimes please call on 0345 456 456 4, we have to stop this before it happens again. I have been out with PC Martin conducting speed checks, and we have issued speeding fines to motorists in Brinkley, Dullingham, Cheveley and Ashley. I know that speeding is an on-going issue, and we will continue to deal with it with the valued support of the Speed Watch teams. If you have any particular concerns about speeding near you then please let me know and PC Martin will look into it.
Christmas is getting very close now and there is so much to do leading up to the big day but don't become so wrapped up in all the festive cheer that you forget to maintain basic security. Below are some helpful tips on how to help protect yourself from becoming a victim of crime while shopping in shops or online
*When shopping keep your handbags close to you and your purse even closer! Don't leave your handbag or purse on top of your shopping trolley etc.
*When paying for goods do not let your credit card out of your sight
*Card details appear on some receipts so keep them safe, especially if they are for gifts/returnables etc, when they are no longer needed try to shred them where possible.
*Make sure you regularly check your statements for unfamiliar transactions especially when at this time of year more money is spent and it is easier for thefts to go undetected.
*If you think someone has used your card contact your bank immediately. *If you decide to shop online only use secure websites (ie the locked padlock or unbroken key symbol) this should be showing in your browser window before sending your card details
*The beginning of the retailer's internet address should change from 'http' to https' when a purchase is made using a secure connection. Only use sites you can trust or have been recommended or that carry the TrustUK logo.
*Keep a record of any transaction you make-print it out where appropriate, know the retailer’s refund policy and delivery conditions and their postal address, this will help your card issuer take up your case if you have any difficulties as a consumer.
 *Don't leave presents/shopping on display in your car, or by the window in your home, there is always an opportunist out there and you could be their next victim.
Enjoy the festive period Regards
 PCSO Harvey
PC Andy Martin, Ely Police Station,
Non-Emergency Number 03454 564564
 Since Monday 19 October there have been a number of incidents reported to the police involving cold calling to sell home security alarm systems. Householders have been concerned about the terms used in phone calls, making them worry about the security of their home. Some reports involve household visits and the use of high pressure sales techniques such as: Offering a system free or discounted once a call has been made to "a manager”. Pressure to sign up straight away, in order to get a good deal. Remaining in the person’s home for 2-3 hours to achieve a sale. Recent reports  have come from Abington, Balsham, Girton, Cambridge, and Litlington near Royston. When buying an alarm system it is always advisable to get at least 3 quotations, and look for companies that are accredited by N.S.I. (National Security Inspectorate) or S.S.I.A.B. (Security Systems & Alarm Inspection Board). Independent Inspectorates are not-for-profit approval bodies who carry out inspection services for the security industry in order to protect customer interests.  They are governed by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) the sole accreditation service recognised by the government. If you have been contacted  and feel concerned please contact the Police or Cambridgeshire Trading Standards for assistance.
Cambridgeshire Police: 0345 4564564, or Emergency: 999. Cambridgeshire Trading Standards: 01954 284619, Consumer Direct: 08454 04 05 06:
About 8 adult volunteers aided by 5 youngsters turned up on Saturday morning 7th November to remove litter from Brinkley streets. The volunteers came armed with black sacks and gloves and set to in clearing up the village. The actual clearing only took about an hour; the litter was not great in volume – just unsightly. We trust that fellow parishioners will make every effort to keep our village pristine so that the efforts were not in vain.
OVER 60's
Our programme for 2009 is now coming to an end. Our last gathering will be at The Bull in Burrough Green for our Christmas lunch.
The last three months meetings included a Harvest Tea at Sheriff's Court, lunch at the Butt and Oyster at Pin Mill near Ipswich - our thanks to Mick who took us there on the Gredley bus - and another successful Bring and Buy in November.
Our 2010 events start on January 7th at Sheriff's Court at 3pm with the AGM followed by tea. New members are always welcome. You can call either Maggie on 507191 or Tina 507695 should you require transport or, just come along. 
On Armistice Day this year, headteachers faced a particular challenge. Following the deaths, over the summer, of the three remaining WW1 veterans, how do we, in schools, now ‘remember’ events that are no longer in the memories of those living? The challenge is eloquently summed up in this quotation from the sister of a WW1 veteran:
“We were told that people would remember the war for all time but I don’t believe them. Soon in fifty years or so, everyone who served in the war will be dead and at some time after that everyone who has known anyone who served will also be dead.
Then the great forgetting will begin, the fading into the landscape. The war will be levelled to a couple of museums, a set of demonstration trenches, a few names, a short hand for pointless sacrifice.
There might be one fiery glow of remembering in the first years of the twenty first century, one final moment, before the whole thing is handed back to (historians). Then in the space of a wet blink and a tear the gap in the trees will close and history, gross history, daily history will forget about us. Is this how it’s really going to be?”
At Linton Village College we are absolutely determined that those who have sacrificed their lives in war, and those who continue to do so for us in Afghanistan, are kept alive in our thoughts and imaginations. We must not allow these tributes to be archived and be handed back to historians. And so it was with this in mind that we decided to begin a new tradition on Armistice Day 2009.
Students had been selling poppies in earnest in the week preceding 11th November, so larger numbers of students had poppies pinned to their blazers. Morning assembly was led by Mr Brechin, Head of the Humanities Faculty and his subject was the meaning of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance. At eleven minutes past eleven, a bell sounded and the school stopped and went silent, a silence adhered to with respect and sincerity by all. And then in the silence, from the heart of the Henry Morris lawn, a clear note rang out, as the Last Post was played by Dane Karaman in Year 11 on his trumpet. Some teachers brought their groups to the edge of the garden to hear, some listened from their classrooms and we all felt a shiver run down our spines to be reminded of the talent and bravery of the young and what a loss those lost in war are to us all.
This is how we will continue to mark Armistice Day at LVC.
Caroline Derbyshire
Brown sack collection dates for December are Thursdays 3rd and 17th. The next date for collection of brown sacks will be Monday 4th January 2010.
 Thanks to everyone who recycles their tetrapaks, tins, plastics, glass and newspapers at the Memorial Hall. The recycling credits go a long way in helping to maintain the fabric and upkeep of the Memorial Hall. I would like to ask everyone who recycles at the hall, to please rinse out any food tins beforehand. If the tin bank is full, the tins get left for several days in the car park before they are taken away, in this time wasps and flies gather making them most unpleasant for someone to dispose of. The Trustees greatly appreciate your kind co-operation.
Franca Holden
Trustee, Brinkley Memorial Hall
Upright Freezer – working order -            £10
Wooden drop-leaf table   - £10
Wooden chest of drawers -2 small top drawers and 3 wide drawers below - £35 ( poss antique)
New half glazed (opaque) external door - £10
Beige leatherette armchair with wooden arms - £5
Standard lamp with pink shade - £12
Selection of drinking glasses - £2
Call 01638 508903 or 07767 860064 (Brinkley)
A black heavy-knit (Lakeland Knitwear) jumper on footpath between Dullingham Ley and Willingham Green via Borough Green in late October.  If anyone found it its owner would be so grateful if you would call 01638 507334. It was an old friend!
Sunday 6th December    2nd Sunday of Advent
9.00am Holy Communion               Burrough Green
10.30am Morning Prayer               Dullingham
 3.00pm CHRISTINGLE              Stetchworth
 5.00pm CHRISTINGLE              Westley Waterless      Malachi 3:1-14   Philippians 1:3-11
Christingle Reading Luke 1:26 -35
Sunday 13th December 3rd Sunday of Advent
9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)       Brinkley
11.00am Holy Communion (BCP)      Dullingham
Zephaniah 3: 14-end   Philippians 4:4-7
Sunday 20th December 4th Sunday of Advent
9.00am Holy Communion               Westley Waterless
10.30am CAROL & CRIB SERVICE   Burrough Green
4.00pm CAROL & CRIB SERVICE                Brinkley
6.00pm Carol Service                  Stetchworth
Micah 5: 2-5a   Hebrews 10: 5-10
Westley Waterless
6.00pm  Carol Service                 Dullingham
Christmas Eve reading Isaiah 9: 2 -7

9.00am Family Communion               Stetchworth
9.00am  HOLY COMMUNION(BCP)  Brinkley
10.30am Holy Communion  (BCP)        Dullingham
10.30am FAMILY COMMUNION      Burrough Green
Christmas Day reading Isaiah 52:7-10
Sunday 27th December
10.30am Holy Communion              Stetchworth
Exodus 33: 7-11a   1 John 1      
Dear Friends,
Our house is a place of excited expectation at the moment as we eagerly await the birth of our first grandchild due on the 20th December. I have become acquainted with the ‘Bugaboo’ (pram/pushchair) the ‘Karime’ (sling). I have had hysterical conversations with our son about the reality of childbirth and have even started knitting again, although I think the poor child will be about two before I finish its jumper! It’s a wonderful time of year though to be thinking of the arrival of a baby.
            I wonder what your feelings are as we enter the season of Advent with its great themes of expectation and hope. Actually I think this time of year can be very difficult for lots of people, especially those who have been bereaved, or those whose familial relationships are strained.
The trouble with expectation is that often, our expectations are unrealistic, they are not fulfilled, and then we end up disappointed and cross. Usually at the beginning of Advent I promise myself that this year, I really will be super spiritual: I will spend longer in prayer, I will remove myself from the hurly burly of preparation to reflect uninterrupted on the real meaning of Christmas. At this point anyone who knows me will be falling about laughing.
Let’s think for a moment about that birth, the one where there were no anti – natal classes, no midwife, no posh pushchair or lovingly knitted jumper. Only a young, frightened girl in a filthy stable with a boyfriend who didn’t have a clue what was going on. And yet, and yet ---- there was the song of the angels, a bright, bright star in the sky and a baby who shows us the meaning of love.
The point I am trying to make is that God is born in the reality of human life with its joy and mess and mistakes and there is no such thing as the perfect Christmas however much we are sold the ideal. The real meaning of Christmas is love freely given, and it’s the most precious gift we can ever hope to receive.
I will be reflecting on the meaning of Christmas but I won’t be doing it holed up in my study. I’ll be doing it as I wrap the presents and make the mince pies, I’ll be doing it as I visit those who face their first Christmas without someone they love and I’ll be doing it as I celebrate the reality of ‘Emmanuel’ - God with us, in our joy, in our sorrow and for eternity. 
May I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas.
Love and prayers,
Pauline     01638 508990
Our thought and prayers are with the family of Don Wright who died on 27th October and whose funeral was held at St Peter's Stetchworth.
To celebrate the daily opening of St Augustine’s Burrough Green we invite you to our
 at 10.30am.
 Please stay for refreshments and mince pies
Everybody is cordially invited to our forthcoming Church services:
6th DECEMBER, at 5 pm
24th DECEMBER, at 4pm
We look forward to seeing you there!
SUNDAY 20th DECEMBER at 4pm.
Followed by refreshments in the church.
Mass Times
Saturdays          6.30pm              Newmarket
Sundays             9.00am              Kirtling
                        10.30am             Newmarket
Holy Days          9.00am              Newmarket
                        12noon               Kirtling
                        7.30pm              Newmarket       
Christmas Eve. 18.00 – Children’s Mass
23.15 – Carol singing followed by Midnight Mass
Christmas Day  09.00 – Mass in Kirtling
                       10.30 -  Mass in Newmarket
In addition we have ;-
Free Christmas dinner here on Christmas Day at 13.00. All welcome, any denomination, any age.
Please contact the office with names and if transport is required.
Our Lady with St. Etheldreda, Exeter Road, Newmarket
Our Lady & St Philip Neri, Kirtling or 01638 662492
Once again we had a lovely evening in the company of Peter Jackson for our last talk. Now Garden Club members have had their party invitations, and are looking forward to our end of year celebrations on Wednesday 9th December. But the Club year doesn’t end there, and our next speaker, returning by popular demand, is Richard Todd.
Richard is Head Gardener at Anglesey Abbeyand has a wealth of experience and anecdotes to share. It’s always a very convivial meeting in January, designed to see off the post-Christmas blues, so do come and join us on Wednesday 13th January 2010 at 8pm in the Ellesmere Centre and hear Richard’s talk on Spring Flowers”. Just what we all need to revive the spirits and the garden!
 We hope to see all our members, old and new, and visitors are always very welcome. For further Club information you can always call Sandie on  01638 507542, or talk to one of the committee at a meeting. Come and join us!
The annual Winter Fair in Brinkley was again a great success. There was a lovely atmosphere in the Memorial Hall whilst people perused the stalls, bought draw tickets, had a go at the games and then enjoyed a wonderful lunch. All this was possible thanks to the generosity and help of all involved in making the event happen, and also to those who came along and supported it, or sent donations in their absence. £741 was raised for Brinkley Church. 
It is rapidly coming round to that time of year, no, I don’t mean Christmas, but the jollities that follow.
Once again Brinkley Memorial Hall will be hosting a Burns Supper. This will be held on Friday January 22nd 2010. As always, this will be in aid of Hall funds which allow us to maintain the Hall as a facility for use by the local community.
We have succeeded in obtaining the services of a piper again this year so the tradition of piping in the haggis can be upheld. Having said that, I thought Steve Bingham did a cracking job of “violining” in the haggis last year.  Steve enjoyed it so much he has volunteered to return to lead the singalong. Already, a number of worthies are honing their speaking skills to carry out the various toasts and, of course, the Immortal Memory.  An unsuspecting few have yet to be prevailed upon to read a few poems but I don’t anticipate having a lack of volunteers for this less than onerous task.
Due to the limited capacity of the Hall, our numbers have to be limited to around 80. Bookings are already being taken by Franca on 01638 508199. I suggest you book early; we have had a few disappointed folk in the last couple of years. Tickets are available for a minimum donation of £16 each.
See you in January, oh, and a merry Christmas and a happy New Year from the Trustees of the Memorial Hall.
To all those that brought me fresh fruit and vegetables from their gardens this year, from Burrough Green, Westley Waterless and Brinkley. There are still some very kind people about; I would like to thank the gentleman from Burrough Green that went and got me a sack of potatoes and put them in my front hall. I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas.
Margaret, Beechcroft.
 Very many thanks to everybody who contributed to the magnificent collection this year.
The sums raised for the British Legion Poppy Appeal were £332.39 in Brinkley, £74.58 in Carlton and £50 from the Church Service in Brinkley, a wonderful total of £456.97.  Special thanks go to the ladies who made the house to house collections.
It has been another busy term, especially with the adapting to change around the school site. Excitement is also building with Christmas just around the corner.
Last month we entered a hockey and Rugby tournament at Linton Village College. Our pupils played against the other schools within our cluster. The hockey team won outright and the rugby team tied for first place. This is a tremendous achievement for one school to win both titles – especially for a small school like ours. Congratulations to all who took part - we are very proud.
Children in Need is a charity we like to support and encourage the children to fundraise outside the community. The school dressed up as famous people – from superheroes to pop stars. The PTA also held a coffee morning and a total of £220 raised for this worthwhile cause.
Class 4 went to Ely for another school visit. This time they went to the Ely museum to look at the history of fenland life. Walking on stilts and dressing in period costume were part of the day and learning about old farming tools. As part of their class assembly, pictures of the fens were also produced.
Class 3 will visit the Fitzwilliam museum to look at the Egyptian displays to help them with their topic work. Class 1 and 2 have a visit from the Raptor Centre to look forward to.
The children are now rehearsing for their Christmas celebrations which will be held in the church. Key Stage 1 children will be performing a traditional Nativity .
We invite the community to join in with our monthly worship in church.
Please join us for our Advent service on Tuesday 1st December – 9.15am at St Augustine’s. We shall also have an Epiphany service on Wednesday 6th January – 9.15am
School build update – Permissions for the changes to the drainage scheme have now been received and hopefully before Christmas work should resume on site.
Please can you help? We are looking for someone to head a project regarding the hoarding outside the school. The children have designed posters to go on the yellow boards and we now need someone to make this happen. Please contact the office on 01638 507236 if you can help.
Also, looking ahead to March, and Engineering Week, – we would like to invite anyone with science/engineering backgrounds to come into school and talk to the children. Again, please contact the school if you would like to help.
Please remember Nestlé Box Tops and The Times newspapers still have current schemes running and we are grateful for every token donated.
Thank you all for your continued support .
 For up-to-date information regarding the new build and other events from school, please visit our website at
Alison Brewin - Community Liaison Officer
01638 507941 -
I always look forward to Christmas. Perhaps it is working in a Primary school, where the traditions are kept very much alive, or the fact that I love the sparkle that it brings to the very dark, and dismal days of December. On a recent cycle ride with the family we struggled against the gale and threatening downpours: returning only as twilight turned to night, but with the comforting thought of hot chocolate and a warm fire to keep us going. The ride and the weather were exhilarating, and it was one of those moments that made you feel good to be alive. So Christmas comes with a new born child and the promise of life to come, just at the darkest moment. Cold helps us appreciate warmth, and darkness the light, so I hope you all enjoy some warmth and light this Christmas, and that the rain stops soon.
Happy Christmas.
Keith Archer
or given to Trish at Tree Tops, Brinkley.
01638 507495
Christmas Fun Day on Saturday 19th December for primary school children. Children will have the opportunity to play games & sport with Shane and also to make Christmas crafts with Chloe and Phoebe. There will be relaxation time to share their packed lunch and watch a short Christmas film or have a turn on the Wii. 10am-4pm. Cost £20 per child
Early booking advisable.
A Victorian Christmas Evening on Sunday 6th December with the Kitchen Choir. Enjoy an evening of music, poetry and stories. Refreshments from 6.30pm and entertainment to start at 7pm. Tickets £5 on the door. Raising funds for a community stage.
Salsa Evening -  If enough people are interested we hope to have a Salsa Evening on Monday 4th January. Please call the Centre if you would like to take part.
Speakers -  The next speaker will be from The Air Ambulance on January 19th. Where possible these events will be on the 3rd Friday of each month. Please let us know if there is any subject you would find interesting and we will try to find a speaker.
Recycling - please remember that if you recycle your glass, cans, plastic and papers at the Centre it helps us to raise much needed funds.
Film dates for your diary:
Come and sing-along to THE SOUND OF MUSIC on
Friday, 8th January at 8 pm.
Come along for a romantic evening at THE ROCKY HORROR FILM SHOW on Friday, 12th February, 8 pm
Both films at the Ellesmere Centre
See posters for further details.
The staff & trustees at The Ellesmere Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support.
We wish you all a Very Happy Christmas.
 1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends.
2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward?
3. Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons.  All other vegetables must be replanted every year.  What are the only two perennial vegetables?
4. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?
5. Only three words in Standard English
begin with the letters ' dw' and they are all common words. Name two of them.
6. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form except fresh.
Local Development Framework
At the Full Council meeting held on Tuesday 20 October, the Core Strategy and Proposals Map for the district, produced by East Cambridgeshire District Council, was adopted by the Council.   The Core Strategy is one of the key documents forming part of the Local Development Framework. It sets out a strategy and vision for delivering growth in the district up to 2025, and a range of planning policies against which planning applications will be assessed.
East Cambridgeshire District Council has made good progress in the production of its Core Strategy. The Council was the 68th local authority to submit its Core Strategy, out of a total of about 284 councils. The East Cambridgeshire Core Strategy is 'sound' with minor changes to be made.
The Core Strategy contains new policies on planning obligations which will enable the Council to seek developer contributions towards infrastructure and community facilities to support growth from all development schemes (the previous site size threshold was 9+ dwellings). The site size threshold for seeking affordable housing has been lowered to 3+ dwellings (previously 9+ dwellings in Bottisham Ward). 
If you are interested in seeing more about how the Core Strategy will affect you, a copy is available in Bottisham Library during normal opening hours or you can find the Core Strategy document on the East Cambridgeshire DC website at and follow the links to the document.
Review of the East of England plan
While work continues in the District on the Core Strategy and delivering growth up to 2025,
the East of England Regional Assembly is currently consulting on a review of the East of England plan. The Assembly is testing a range of scenarios for the future housing growth in the region up to 2031. These scenarios suggest high rates for the growth of housing, ranging from 26,060 to 33,650 new homes a year. East Cambridgeshire DC will be working closely with the county council and other district councils in the county to prepare a common Cambridgeshire response to the consultation which closes on 24 November 2009. Further details can be found on the EERA website at
Christine Bryant and Robert Stevens
01223 811767/01223 811643
at 7.30pm
Performed by: The Brinkley Occasional Singers
directed by Stephen Bingham
Adults £5.00  Children £1 at the door
To include mince pies and mulled wine.
Please come along and get yourself in the festive spirit


01223 290907


Do you need to order more Heating Oil? We will shortly be putting in an order to the lowest bidder to refill our tanks.
Please contact either Pauline King on 507796 or Lucy Talbot on 507060 by WEDNESDAY 2ND DECEMBER 2009 with details of how much you will need.
Please be as accurate as possible, ( N.B. Minimum order is 500 litres) and make sure that orders are accompanied by house name/number, postcode and telephone number.
The next order date is TUESDAY 1ST DEC to ensure delivery is before the Christmas high prices and rush. Please contact Victoria Pakenham on 01223 290725, to place your requirements before the Tuesday. Delivery is normally end of that week or early the next.
The New Year order after the rush is Monday Jan 11th 2010.
Our last meeting of 2009 will be on Wednesday 2nd December at 7.30pm in the Community Room at Sheriff’s Court. Go on , be brave, come along and see what we get up to! Expert or beginner , we don’t mind at all. £2 including refreshments. 01638 507495

4pm  Crib and Carol Service  Westley Waterless
6pm   Carol Service                 Dullingham
11.30pm Midnight Mass          Carlton


9am  Family Communion             Stetchworth
9am  Holy Communion (
BCP)        Brinkley
10.30am  Holy Communion
(BCP)   Dullingham 10.30am  Family Communion        Burrough Green
10.30am Christmas Family Worship     Carlton
TEL 01638 507330
01638 507745
Re-opening early December
Watch out in your local area for dates


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