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Jan 2010 Issue
01 January 2010




The arrangements are now well in hand for the Burns Supper. The piper has been practicing to welcome the attendees and pipe in the haggis, the speakers and readers have been rehearsing, Steve Bingham has polished the musical accompaniment, the menu has been defined and the haggis ordered.
I don’t think we have ever been this well organised as early as this.
As expected demand for seats has been high and as I write this, only a few more seats are available. It has always been an enjoyable and well attended event and this year is aiming to be no exception. 
If you want to come along, I suggest you move quickly and phone Franca on 508199. Tickets are available for a minimum donation of £16 each.
See you there.
Next order date January 11th 2010. Please call Peter Taylor with your requirements before the 11th. Call 01638 570392
 7.30pm at ST PETER'S CHURCH.
Come and test your quizzing skills!
Tickets (in advance) £7.50 to include soup and puddings. Bring your own drinks.
Contact Tracey 01223290106 or Jackie 01223290810
Our first meetings of 2010 are on Wednesdays January 6th and 20th at 7.30pm in the Community Room at Sheriff’s Court. It is a nice warm and comfortable place to enjoy a game or two of either Scrabble or Mahjong. Do come along. £2 including refreshments.                           Trish 01638 507495
Take a walk – take a footpath! And what a choice! Miles of paths await you through varied countryside, woodland, stream and grassy place often with lovely views. Our parishes are bordered by Carlton Green and Six Mile Bottom, Dullingham Ley and Weston Colville Green. So much to explore!
Britain’s local networks of pathways are often the envy and delight of visitors from abroad. How lucky we are to have access to beautiful countryside any time of day. 
 The area covered by Village Voice parish councils has footpath coordinators who keep an eye on the state of your local paths, bridleways and byways. They help to coordinate the work done by landowners and the county council who together are responsible for public rights of way. Limited public funds are available for maintenance and for improvements to access – for example, the replacement of stiles with kissing gates.
An important role is to make sure that footpath signs are in place. If you know of any that are missing or confusing, or if you have other comments to make regarding footpaths in your area, your local parish footpath co-ordinator would like to hear from you.
We are:
Brinkley: John Lawrence 01638 508976
Burrough Green: Jo Batting 01638 507779
Carlton Cum Willingham: Caroline Revitt – 01638 507334
At 7.45pm
Brinkley Memorial Hall
You are welcome to come and join us to hear Andy Malcolm give an illustrated talk on
The Seaman’s Mission.
For more information on the Radfield Hundred Group call Doris on 01638 507717.
Brinkley Red Lion
      01638 507745
Has Re-opened!
Come and meet us in the New Year
East Cambridgeshire District Councillors’ Notes, December 2009
A Change to the Licensing Act
ECDC’ s Licensing Committee has recently noted some changes by the Government to its 2003 Licensing Act. One of these changes may help community premises throughout the District, such as village halls. These require a Premises Licence for activities such as the sale of alcohol, music and dance (unless they apply for Temporary Event Notices to hold up to twelve events per year). Until now all Premises Licences have required premises serving alcohol to provide a Designated Premises Supervisor holding a Personal Licence. This has been relaxed to just requiring the management committee of a community premises to be responsible for alcohol sales. This change does not apply to Clubs holding a Club Premises Certificate, since they provide licensable activities only to members and their guests and already do not need a Designated Premises Supervisor. In some cases, as before, a Premises Licence may be obtained in addition to a Club Licence to allow part of the premises to be used by the public for licensable activities.  
Aircraft Noise
Last April, we reported that National Air Traffic Services (NATS) had postponed its second consultation on its proposals for the airspace north of London. This includes making a stacking area for Stansted Airport south of Newmarket, to the east of the A11. NATS has now written to say that this second consultation will be delayed until at least September 2010. This is on account of the feedback from the first consultation, the possibility of using new control technology and the recent reduction in aircraft use.
 Dog Fouling
There has been concern expressed recently about places where dog mess is not being cleared up. Investigations have concluded that the Dog (Fouling of Land in East Cambridgeshire) Order 1997 is in accordance with an Act of Parliament of 1996. This prohibits leaving dog mess anywhere outdoors in East Cambridgeshire where the public are entitled to or permitted to have access. This includes all pavements and roads, public and permitted footpaths and byways, verges, greens, gardens and parks. Warning notices do not have to be displayed. Leaving the mess in bags is also illegal. Fixed Penalty Notices may be given and fines of up to £1000 imposed at a court appearance. Please report any occurrence you may witness to the District Council on 01353 665555. The only exemptions to clearing up dog mess are on or beside roads with speed limits of 40 mph and above, or if the person with the dog is blind. Also exempt are woodland and agricultural land beside public rights of ways, but private landowners, such as the National Trust, may forbid leaving it there. Government advice is to put the mess in dog waste bins or take it home for disposal, and not to put it in litter bins. See the website under Home and Community: Animals and Pets.
Christine Bryant (01223 811767) and Robert Stevens (01223 811643)
Would you like your children to learn or improve their French? Are you planning a holiday and would like to learn enough to get by?
I am a French national, currently working with pre-school children. I can teach adults or children on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. Younger children will learn through play and adults and school children through a more structured program and/or French conversation.
If you are interested or would like to know more, please give Tiffany a call on 01638 507900.
OVER 60's
Our 2010 events start on January 7th at Sheriff's Court at 3pm with the AGM followed by tea. New members are always welcome You can call either Maggie on 507191 or Tina 507695 should you require transport or, just come along.   
Richard is Head Gardener at Anglesey Abbey and has a wealth of experience and anecdotes to share. It’s always a very convivial meeting in January, designed to see off the post-Christmas blues, so do come and join us on Wednesday 13th January 2010 at 8pm in the Ellesmere Centre and hear Richard’s talk on “Spring Flowers”. Just what we all need to revive the spirits and the garden!
We hope to see all our members, old and new, and visitors are always very welcome. For further Club information you can always call Sandie on 507542, or talk to one of the committee at a meeting. Come and join us!
Film dates for your diary:
Come and sing-along to THE SOUND OF MUSIC on
Friday 8th January at 8pm.
Come along for a romantic evening
THE ROCKY HORROR FILM SHOW is on Friday 12th February at 8pm.
Both films at the Ellesmere Centre
See posters for further details
The dates for rubbish collection will be Monday 4th January, Saturday 9th January and Friday 15th January followed by normal Thursday collections. The recycling dates are 4th 15th and 28th.
Monthly Report For Cheveley/Dullingham Beat November 2009
Cheveley, Ashley, Kirtling, Upend, Woodditton, Little Ditton, Saxon Street, Stetchworth, Stetchworth Ley, Dullingham, Dullingham Ley, Cross Green, Brinkley, Burrough Green, Westley Waterless and Newmarket.
Hello everyone
Welcome to the monthly report for November for our area. We have had 23 crimes reported in November which is unfortunately due to an increase in shed /garage burglaries. We have had 11 shed burglaries of which 7 occurred in Old School Lane Brinkley. (These are the garages at the rear of the sheltered housing.) Nothing was taken from the garages but the doors had been forced open.
We have had 6 dwelling burglaries, one in Newmarket, one on Weston Colville Road outside Brinkley, one in Dullingham, one in Stetchworth, one in Woodditton and one in Saxon Street. PCSO Mags Harvey disturbed the offenders at the one in Saxon Street and as they made off they rammed her car. Luckily Mags was OK and the damage to the PCSO car was minor. The one in Woodditton was an attempt and no entry was gained to the property.
We have had 5 criminal damages. One was to the outside table and chairs at the Methodist Church in Saxon Street. One was a chain cut on a farmer’s field in Newmarket. One was to fence panels at the Brinkley Memorial Hall. One was to a windscreen wiper on a car in Newmarket. One was damage to a plant pot at St Mary Church in Cheveley and included some of the poppy wreaths on the outside village War Memorial being set alight.    
I ask that if anyone has any information or knows who has carried out this damage to contact me or Mags or call the Police non-emergency number which is 03454 56456 4
We have had one common assault which I am in the process of dealing with.
We have had one theft of a dog from Dullingham.
I have been conducting speed checks around our villages and have issued 5 speeding fines this month. Some of those have been following Speedwatch checks and others have been in non-Speedwatch affiliated villages as part of my normal patrols. Most speeders I have issued tickets to have again been local people.
Unfortunately for me I was off nearly two weeks with suspected swine flu however I am back now continuing to work in our community.
Thank you all for your assistance this past month.
PC1608 Andy Martin
Non-Emergency number 03454 56456 4
Last month’s edition of the newsletter reported the visit to the College of Baroness Shirley Williams of Crosby, former Secretary of State for Education. The Baroness opened our new ‘Newton Building’ and then presented certificates to our class of 2009 school leavers. It was a very busy, but successful set of events; made all the more frenetic by the Baroness’s desire to talk to everyone she met. She didn’t waste a minute of her time with us, absorbing information quickly, charming all she spoke to and emptying the contents of her handbag at least 3 times to search for something she wanted to refer to. We saw all the evidence of the sharp intelligence and endearing academic scattiness that made her so famous.
The Baroness was not the only politician to visit us that week. James Paice MP made time in his busy schedule to come across to the College and he also made a very positive impression on all he spoke to, warmly congratulating the College for its reputation and successes. He had come to hear our students give a presentation on the cyber bullying mentor training that they have been doing and he remarked to me how articulate and caring our young mentors are. 58 of the students at LVC have been trained to be cyber mentors. They have worked with experts from ‘Beat Bully’ to hone their supporting and advisory skills when they are contacted by any child who feels under threat by bullying texts, emails or messages posted on social networking sites. Unfortunately the expansion of methods of communication via new technologies has also increased the ways in which a bully can intimidate their victims. In this way, cyber bullying can seem to follow a young person everywhere.
We don’t tolerate bullying at LVC, but we are not so naïve to think that it doesn’t exist where any group of children are brought together. However, we are also committed to making sure that we are part of the solution and not the problem. The cyber mentoring scheme has raised awareness of the issue in the school and made sure that the children themselves are that solution. Mr Paice promised to take news of the success of the scheme back to Parliament.
It has been a very good experience for our students to meet two politicians in the flesh. So much of what we read about anyone who takes on a position in public life nowadays is negative and cynical and we are all bombarded with stories of scandals and corruption, of false expenses claims and shady dealings. The result of this cynicism can mean a lack of trust in people to make things better and hence a challenge to the whole notion of citizenship and democracy. That’s hardly the message we should be promoting in schools. The cyber mentoring scheme is all about taking personal action to improve things for others and that too is what motivates the best politicians.
Caroline Derbyshire           Principal
Sunday 3rd January      Epiphany
 8.00am Holy Communion               Burrough Green
 9.00am Holy Communion               Carlton
10.30am Morning Prayer               Dullingham
             Isaiah 60: 1-6        Ephesians 3:1-12
Sunday 10th January     The Baptism of Christ
 9.00am Holy Communion               Brinkley
11.00am Holy Communion               Dullingham
Isaiah 43: 1-7       Acts 8:14 -17         
Sunday 17th January     2nd Sunday of Epiphany
 9.00am Family Holy Communion     Westley Waterless
10.30am Family Worship               Burrough Green
Isaiah 62:1-5       I Corinthians 12:1-11
Sunday 24th January     3rd Sunday of Epiphany
 9.00am Family Holy Communion     Stetchworth
10.15am Family Worship               Dullingham
11.15am Family Worship               Brinkley
Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5 -6,8-10     1 Corinthians 12: 12 -31a
Sunday 31st January     Candlemas
10.30am Holy Communion               Brinkley
Malachi 3:1-5       Hebrews 2: 14-end
Dear Friends,
I expect like me you find it hard to believe that another year has gone by and all of us will have our own unique memories of what 2009 has brought. There will have been times of joy and times of sorrow, times when we feel glad to be alive and times when, quite frankly we feel we would rather stay in bed and hide under the duvet than get up and face the world. 2009 is now very special for our family because on December 16th our first grandchild was born. As a priest I am very privileged because I am given an extraordinary perspective on human life. A few days before we welcomed William Matthew into the world I was helping a family to scatter the ashes of their beloved father, a wonderful gentleman I had got to know and love during my time here. Engaging with both the beginning and the end of life within such a short space of time made me very conscious of the fact that life is a most precious gift from God and that our lives won’t go on forever. It seems to me, given this fact which mostly we try very hard not to think about, it is incumbent upon us to live wisely, to think about the choices we make and to do our very best to be people of integrity and love. A new year is always a good time to take stock, a good time to reflect on where we find ourselves. As I write the village is covered in snow, which although treacherous underfoot is quite beautiful, a bit like life really, full of joy and pain all muddled up together.
Wherever you find yourself in 2010 know that God goes with you, know that there is no place where he is not. I leave with a quote from Mary Oliver’s Wild Geese:
      Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
      the world offers itself to your imagination,
     calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting       – over and over announcing your place
     in the family of things.
Happy New Year to you all,
Love and prayers,
Pauline        01638508990
A Happy New Year from all at the Ellesmere Centre
The centre finished 2009 with a very successful Christmas Dance which was fully booked and very enjoyable. We also held a ‘Victorian Christmas Evening’, a new venture, which was also full to capacity. Poems, songs and stories were shared by members of the Kitchen choir, Ellesmere Devils and Kettlefields School drama group. At the time of going to press Santa Sunday was due to make a come back after having a year’s break last year.


At the Ellesmere Centre
On Sunday January 3rd
Come along for an evening of fun
 and learn to Salsa with Rosita
It is not necessary to have a partner
Tickets £5
Feel free to bring a bottle


The Air Ambulance will be the next guest at our speaker night on Friday 15th January at 7.30pm. Please come along and support us. Tickets will be £2.50 on the door.
Spring 2010 Classes at the centre will start again on the week beginning 11th January.
 For details of all our up and coming events please log on to our website or let the office have your email address and we will send out details to you each month.
Contact us on 01638 508212. 
Registered charity no 801728
1. Boxing      2. Niagara Falls (The rim is worn backwards 2½ ft a year).    3. Asparagus and Rhubarb.
4. Strawberry.     5. Dwarf, dwell, dwindle.
6. Lettuce. 
Preparations are now underway to produce the Council Tax bills that will be issued to everyone in March. Our aim is to help our customers to avoid getting behind with the bills in these difficult times. One way we can do this is to make sure your account is set up correctly, using the method of payment you choose to use when the bills are first issued.
Below are all the alternative ways you can make payment, many of which require no formal setup.
 If you do not want to change your current method of payment used last year - you do not need to take any action.
If you would like either a stress free, easily maintained Direct Debit or, make payment in the community at your local Post Office or PayPoint you will need to contact us to set this up.
To set up a Direct Debit:
Contact us on 0845 072 6000 to set this up. Please have your account details to hand. Alternatively you can complete the Direct Debit mandate on the website
To receive a Payment card to use at the Post Office or PayPoint:
Contact us on 0845 072 6000 or email please state your account reference, name and address.
If you used a payment card to pay last year you can continue to use the same one, there is no need to request another.
You do not need to contact this office if you wish to use any of the following methods of payment.
By telephone ~ you can make a payment over the automated telephone line using your debit card. Please telephone 01353 616492 or 01353 616493. There is an additional charge for payments made by credit card.
Over the Internet ~ payment can be made by using the Internet. Simply log onto our website at and click on ‘payments’ or and click on ‘make a payment’
Standing Order ~ can be set up using the following information. Co-operative Bank plc, Cambridge Branch, sort code: 089043, account ref: 61514959 quoting your council tax account reference.
By post ~ please send a cheque made payable to East Cambridgeshire District Council to The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 4EE. Please write your account number on the back of your cheque.
(Post dated cheques are not accepted.)
Cash is not accepted at any of the East Cambridgeshire District Council offices.
ARTICLES FOR FEBRUARY 2010 to Trish by 23rd January 2010.
01638 507495
Many thanks to all those who have dropped their milk bottle tops off, for me to take to the Ellesmere Centre.
The collection has now finished, so please no more milk bottle tops!! But many many thanks for helping to raise, via enough bottles tops, to provide two wheelchairs and for the remaining ones to go to the Air Ambulance Trust.
                         Sam Newton
 Happy New Year!! We hope you all had a great time over the festive season and that all children (and parents) received the gifts they ordered from Father Christmas! On our last session, we had a lovely Christmas party with Father Christmas making an early visit to the children.
The Mother & Toddler group will start again on 7th January. We welcome parents and grandparents/carers with their children from 10am to 11.30am (term time only). We have a dedicated baby area and offer a wide variety of toys and activities for all age groups (0-4). We also provide healthy snacks for the children whilst parents can enjoy a hot/cold drink with cake or biscuits (together with a good gossip!).
Sessions cost £3 per family per week. We are a breastfeeding friendly group and welcome parents from all backgrounds.
 We will be starting a new project to decorate the outside corridor in the New Year and this will include some painting and sticking. We do have plenty of waterproof aprons, but just in case, it might be best not to dress the children in their Sunday best!
 If you wish to know more, please come along to one of the sessions or call Tiffany on 01638 507 900."
Mass Times
Saturday           6.30pm              Newmarket
Sunday              9.00am              Kirtling
                        10.30am             Newmarket
Holy Days          9.00am              Newmarket
                        12noon               Kirtling
                        7.30pm              Newmarket
Our Lady with St. Etheldreda, Exeter Road, Newmarket
Our Lady & St Philip Neri, Kirtling
Main Address: 14 Exeter Road, Newmarket, CB8 8LT
Telephone: 01638 662492 Email:
Brinkley contact, John Conti 01638 508304
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