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This is the official website of Chilton Parish Council

What do Parish Councillors do?

Parish Councillors have a dual role:-
•They represent the views and concerns of the residents of the Parish to the Parish Council itself and, through it, to the District and County

•They report back to residents on issues affecting the Parish

In Library you will find details of Parish Council meetings including agendas and official minutes.

Reports from our County and District Councillors can be found under Library/ County-District-Reports.

                                      CHILTON PARISH COUNCIL

                                    NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY

Public notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Councillor Bob Girling a vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for Chilton Parish Council.

The vacancy will be filled by election if, within fourteen working days of the date of this notice, any ten local government electors for the said parish submit a written request to the Returning Officer,  Vale of White Horse District Council, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE.

 In computing these fourteen days mentioned above you disregard a Saturday or Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a bank holiday or a day appointed for Public Thanksgiving or Mourning.

If no such request is made the vacancy will be filled by co-option by the Parish Council.

Dated 27th June 2024     Signed  Liz Morris      (Parish Clerk)


The vacancy notice can also be found in Library under vacancy



Notice of Public Rights can be found in the Library under Finance - note of public rights 23 -24.


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