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Village Organisations

Kenninghall Carpet Bowls Club 
Tel: 01379 687305

Kenninghall Gardening Club
Tel: 01953 888483

Kenninghall GP Surgery 'Kings Ride'
Tel: 01953 887208

Kenninghall Kicking Cancer
Alison Holman
Tel: 07785 518987

Kenninghall Lands Trust 
Tel: 01953 888117

Kenninghall Morris Dancers
Tel: 01953 888291

Kenninghall News 
For articles and advertisements: Tel: 01953 887823  
Email: article@kenninghallnews.org.uk
Deadline for copy - the exact middle of each month - no later!!

Kenninghall Parish Council 
Tel: 01953 887005

Kenninghall Playing Field 
Tel: 01953 887639
Email: garystephenbell144@gmail.com

Kenninghall Primary School 
Tel: 01953 887286

Red Lion Bowls Club (outdoor bowling summer only)
Club Captain/Treasurer - Alison Holman Tel: 07785 518987
Vice Captain/Secretary - Paul Pilmer Tel: 07810 802077

St Mary's Church 
Rev. Keith Hawkes
Tel: 01953 888533
Email: revkahawkes@aol.com

St Mary's Bell Ringers  Practice Wednesday nights Tel: 01953 888176

Tinytots Toddler Group Meets every Thursday 10am-11.30am
£2 per family. Suitable for under 5's
St Mary's Church, Kenninghall
For more details and to book a place, contact Heidi hdawno@hotmail.co.uk

Who Let the Dads Out? 
A group for dads, grandads, male carers and guardians and their children aged 7 and under. Make a pizza, design a kite, Lego station and outside fun...
Dates for 2021: Saturdays 26th June, 17th July 2021, 14th August, 11th September
£3 per family. St Mary's Church, Kenninghall
For more details and to book a place, contact Heidi hdawno@hotmail.com or phone 07939 615203

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