
Corsenside Parish Council Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 3rd of July 2023

Corsenside Parish Hall at 7.30pm

Present:  Councillors: C. Hamilton (Chair), C. Hawman (Vice- Chair), S. Smith, D. Mole, D, Anderson & K. Traill.
Clerk: C. Woodcock.  Members of the Public: One.


  1. Apologies for absence: Cllr A. Wilson.  
  2. Code of Conduct (Declaration of Interest): Cllr C. Hamilton in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team. Cllr C Hawman in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale and North Tyne Youth. Cllr K Trail in respect of North Tyne Youth. Cllr D Mole in respect of Friends of Corsenside. Cllr S. Smith in respect of Bellingham Middle School Parents, Teachers and Community Association & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team.
  3. Opportunities for members of the public to raise issues: None
  4. Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday the 15th of May 2023: Signed as a true and accurate record.
  5. Minutes of Corsenside Annual General meeting held on Monday the 15th of May 2023: Signed as a true and accurate record.
  6. Matters arising from the minutes: i. A table has been arranged for CPC at the Parish Show. ii. The clerk met with NCC pest control and found no new signs of rat activity at Westmacott Street. Northumbria Water have been informed and will also bait the sewer. Any residents who see rats on their property are encouraged to also report to the water board (0345 717 1100) this will enable the problem to be recorded and help any underlying causes be identified and addressed. The issue of the £60 call out was unable to be negotiated with the staff on the ground as it is a countywide standing charge, but complaints could be escalated to higher levels within the council. NCC state that the treatment received for that fee offers good value. iii. Safe use of litter pickers has been discussed with the insurance provider who confirmed that our public liability cover is in place and will include this activity. A budget of £50 has been set for the clerk to buy necessary equipment. iv. The clerk is continuing to contact NCC about two new litter bins, no action yet.
  7. Notification of any other business for discussion, at the Chairman’s discretion, under item 17 below: Cllr S Smith one point, Cllr Hawman one point, Clerk one point.
  8. County Councillor’s Report: None.
  9. Ongoing Issues (formally Action Point List): 91. Given the limited responses of TWM and the continuing delay on parts for the Ridsdale sign repair and the West Woodburn sign replacements the clerk has been asked to request NCC (who have been in touch with TWM once) apply further pressure. The cost to the taxpayer of the clerk’s time spent on this matter is now becoming a large concern. Cllr C Hamilton to contact the TWM manager.
  10. Play Area: i. The annual check from ROSPA shows all the playground equipment to be low risk and no immediate attention is needed. Cllr C Hawman will research Green Gym options and explore the possibility of adding equipment for adolescents and adults to the village green, with disabled access options to be investigated.
  11. Volunteers and Community Spending: i. Thanks to a parishioner and Cllr Traill the noticeboard key is back in place allowing community access once again. ii. The wooden seats in the play area need treatment, clerk to investigate suitable ecofriendly solutions. iii. Cllr Smith suggested we ask for volunteers to weed and water a planter or pair of planters, this will be advertised locally. Some plants to freshen the West Woodburn barrels are being sourced. Continued thanks to Heather and Brenda for the maintenance of Ridsdale’s planters.
  12. Wind Power Stations & BANTR: A report received from Alison Thomson regarding April’s RWF meeting reads “Grants were awarded to Red Squirrels Northern England for conservation projects, The Groom room in Bellingham to update facilities.” CW to ask Alison for an entry about the fund for our next newsletter.
  13. Parish Hall: Cllr D Mole was asked to become a Trustee of the Parish Hall which she was unable to do; CPC do not feel anyone currently on the council could make that level of commitment. Cllr Mole is more than happy to act as the representative of CPC at future parish hall meetings and liaise between the organisations.
  14. 2024-25 LTP Programme Consultation (Local Transport Priorities): This matter was discussed at length, our three proposals will be - more parking bays in East Woodburn - parking either side of the star cairn - passing places for the road to Hindhaugh from Ridsdale. Several improvements are sought by CPC but unable to be requested at this time given the strict criteria of the LTP, these include - a footpath along the A68 linking West Woodburn and Ridsdale - a network of cycleways to link to neighbouring villages – an extension of the 40mph zone in West Woodburn to include the roadside houses at Jubilee Cottages. These latter matters will be recommended whenever possible via the appropriate routes, two of which we feel are especially important suggestions for the reduced reliance on cars and positive environmental impact. 
  15. Planning Matters:     a) For decision – (i) 23/01962/VARYCO Variation of conditions Sculpture at Cold Law - Viscount T Devonport.  The Keep The Wannies Wild organisation submitted a letter of objection to these plans which was noted.  CPC discussed the difficulty in interpreting the variations to the plans but concluded that they appear to allow for phasing of the construction.  Following discussion, concerns were raised that phasing may prolong the construction period and associated disruption and also that the project may begin before all funding was in place with the associated risks of permanent damage to the landscape by incomplete works should funding requirements not be realised.  It was agreed to object on these grounds and ask that construction should not begin until all funding was secured to allow for timely completion.  Further concerns were raised regarding apparently inaccurate claims made in the documentation of charitable status for the project. ii. 23/02036/FUL Extension at 11 Westmacott Street - Mr Michael Herdman. CPC have no objection. iii. 23/02146/FUL Changes to Dam Linnheads Reservoir - Viscount T Devonport. CPC have no objection subject to the stipulated ecological conditions being followed.   b) Decisions from NCC -  22/04715/COU Retrospective change of use, West Woodburn 1st School. GRANTED
    Recent correspondence from the Architect who submitted this change of use request suggested, for the first time, that this building may be in future used as a café and / or art gallery.  CPC understand that any such changes to the use of the building in the future would require further Change of Use planning consent.  CPC will respond accordingly at that time.
  16. Other correspondence: i.[Cllr Mole declared an interest in this matter and was not involved in the council decision]. A parishioner expressed concern over the condition of Chairford Bridge and showed images of damage to the structure, clerk to report to highways. The accumulation of debris under the bridge is to be reported to the Environment Agency. In the same area of East Woodburn the roadside ditches have still not been cleared presenting a flooding risk, CW to chase up. ii. NCC’s are trialing a new interactive van with small mobile library. Parishioners who wish to use the service will find it every second Wednesday at Whiteacres from 2.30 then Ridsdale from 3.20 to 4.20 with the next visit being 12th of July. The schedule has been published up to and including 20th of September. iii. Hugo Remnant sent apologies for the APM and hopes to deliver the PCC report at an upcoming council meeting. iv. The Council Insurance policy renewal has arrived with an expected slight increase which was deemed acceptable.
  17. Finances:     a) Invoices for payment – i. Clerks Wages May = £256.25 ii. Clerks Wages June = £181.25 iii. Bank Fees - £18 iv. Grass Cutting Chris Mowatt - £343.20 v. ROSPA play area inspection - £111 vi. TWM -Inspection of Ridsdale signs - £360.  b) Bank Balance: £13769.49
  18. Matters for discussion at the chairman’s discretion: i. Cllr Hawman noted that some of the grit bins are often obscured by parked cars and this situation may need addressed in winter when the bins need to be visible from the road. ii. The clerk reported she has accepted the position as Parish Clerk of Bellingham and hopes that this will have the added benefit of even better information sharing and cooperation between the parishes. iii. Cllr Smith suggested plans for the table at the Parish show and what information would be most beneficial to include in the display.
  19. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Monday 4th September at 7.30 – Corsenside Parish Hall.

    Meeting ended 9.35 pm.

Please note this is a DRAFT COPY and as such, subject to change.
Christine Woodcock, Corsenside Parish Council Clerk,   
07737518867 corsensideparishclerk@hotmail.com



Action Point List (July):



  • CW buy litter pickers etc
  • CW to ask for NCC to re-contact TWM and chase progress
  • C Hamilton to call TWM
  • CW to ask Rospa to include field next year
  • C Hawman to investigate green gym options
  • CW to organise treatment of the seats
  • CW to ask Alison for an entry about the RWF fund for newsletter.
  • CW to submit LTP form
  • CW to submit planning replies
  • CW to report Chairford bridge to NCC highways
  • CW to report debris under Chairford Bridge to EA
  • CW to chase up ditch clearing above East Woodburn
  • DM & C Hawman to authorise payments
  • All Cllrs to share a photo for display
  • CW & SS to organise display for show
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