
Corsenside Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 2nd of October 2023

Corsenside Parish Hall at 7.30pm

Present:  Councillors: C. Hawman (Vice- Chair), S. Smith, D. Mole & K. Traill.
Clerk: C. Woodcock.  Members of the Public: None.


  1. Apologies for absence: Cllr D. Anderson, C. Hamilton, A. Wilson.
  2. Code of Conduct (Declaration of Interest): Cllr C Hawman in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale and North Tyne Youth. Cllr K Trail in respect of North Tyne Youth. Cllr S. Smith in respect of Bellingham Middle School Parents, Teachers and Community Association & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team.
  3. Opportunities for members of the public to raise issues: None
  4. Minutes of Parish Meeting held on Monday the 4th of September 2023: Spelling mistake in Alex MacClellan’s name amended (16ii); otherwise signed as a true and accurate record.
  5. Matters arising from the minutes: i. CPC are still awaiting an official response to who is responsible for the installation of flood signs. This will be requested again ahead of Cllr Smith’s attendance at the upcoming Flood Warning Celebration evening. ii. A section of uneven path adjacent to the A68 in West Woodburn highlighted by a parishioner and reported via Fix my Street was repaired. Other sections to also be reported. iii. Clerk has been asked to advertise that there are now litter pickers available for public use subject to signing a safety waiver.
  6. Notification of any other business for discussion, at the Chairman’s discretion, under item 16 below: Cllr K Traill one point, Clerk two points.
  7. County Councillor’s Report: None.
  8. Ongoing Issues (formally Action Point List): 91. Speed signs. Clerk has made contact with several staff at TWM who are taking over our case following the departure or long-term sick leave of CPC’s previous contacts. A full list of dealings so far is to be shared with both the new liaisons and the managing director of the company.
  9. Play Area: The notion of a green gym in the parish was met with a resoundingly positive response. Despite direct questioning no one met at the Parish Show had reservations to express. It is now hoped to ask a small group of locals to have input on which equipment is preferred. How best the benefit of this planned investment in the health of the parish can be shared geographically across the villages was discussed at length. Some ideas include the additional purchase of smaller games and equipment for use in The Gun, the Parish Hall or for people to take home. The permanent installation of Green Gym equipment at Ridsdale was deemed impossible due to the lack of land; use of the community pub was discussed but determined to be impractical as it would block the space needed for other events which require a marquee and at times interfere with the day-to-day operation of the business. It was recalled that the installation of a safety surface to protect the equipment in the current play area is still desired. Cllr Hawman to make informal enquiries about external funding. 
  10. Volunteers and Community Spending: The Ridsdale/Armstrong Street defibrillator battery expired and has been replaced. Plans, ongoing since spring, to install two new bins in the parish continue to move very slowly due to lack of responsiveness from NCC, it was agreed that a decision about the cost of the bins could be made mid-month in order to speed the matter along.
  11. Wind Power Stations & BANTR:  There is a meeting at The Gun on Wednesday 4th of October where the public can learn more about the types of projects which can be funded.
  12. Parish Hall: New laws surrounding voter ID mean additional staff will be required for the polling station, applications can be made to NCC. This is paid work and training is provided, applicants may not necessarily be placed at their home venue but asked to travel elsewhere. CW to publicise details on behalf of the Parish Hall.
  13. Planning Matters:    a) None  b) Decisions from NCC -  None c) Notices: Revocation of Tree Protection order which previously applied to West Woodburn Filling Station.
  14. Other correspondence: i.  Northumberland Theatre Company are performing Pinocchio this December. Clerk to find and book a suitable date avoiding, where possible, clashes with other local events. ii. The PCC unfortunately reported some minor damage to All Saints Church. The police have been notified. Ideas for how this can be avoided in future are sought. iii. The clerk supported a request about stray dogs reaffirming the process to apply to NCC directly for help.
  15. Finances:     a) Invoices for payment – i. Digital Printing – Newsletters £64.99 ii. The Range – Frames - £21.94 iii. Chris Mowatt Landscaping Grass cutting - £433.28, ix. Spanglefish -Website hosting - £39.95 x. Clerk Wages - September - £287.50 xi. AED Donate– Defibrillator Battery - £255.59 xii. PCC donation for grass cutting - £360 b) Income – i. Precept - £4625 c) Bank Balance -£15,328.43
  16. Matters for discussion at the chairman’s discretion: i. Cllr Traill questioned whether something could be done to streamline the payment process, so the clerk was not required to pay upfront for large expenses. Matter to be put on the next Agenda. ii. The Council wish to thank the Parish Show Committee for their support and warm welcome when offering CPC a table this year. The whole event was, as ever, a huge success bringing great value to the community; their hard work is appreciated. iii. CPC have approached the owner of the steps to Brae Well and their request to place a small ‘Private’ sign there has been granted. It is hoped that this discreet measure will help ensure public safety by deterring any who may mistakenly think it is a public footpath. Clerk to also order some duplicates of other CPC signs for replacing the current ones as needed. 


  1. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Monday 6th November at 7.30 – Corsenside Parish Hall.

    Meeting ended 9.15 pm.

Please note this is a DRAFT COPY and as such, subject to change.
Christine Woodcock, Corsenside Parish Council Clerk,   
07737518867 corsensideparishclerk@hotmail.com



Action Point List (October):



  • KT to report path condition near Brandy Bank
  • CW to report path condition at Bridge End
  • CW to advertise litter pickers on noticeboard and online, ensure waiver can be signed in person or digitally, CW & KT to organise giving out equipment when requested.
  • C Hawman to ask The Gun about hosting a set of litter picking equipment.
  • CW to give full history to TWM contact (& their MD)
  • CW to chase NCC re new bins, decision about cost to be agreed via email asap
  • C Hawman to informally ask about possible funding of new health equipment
  •  C Hawman to ask The Gun for their views on holding physical activity equipment on site.
  • D Mole to ask Parish Hall for their views on holding physical activity equipment on site.
  • CW to advertise polling station job opportunities on behalf of parish hall
  • CW to check dates of local events during December and book Panto.
  • Finance review to add to next agenda
  • CW to order private sign and spares of some others.
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