
Corsenside Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 4th of December 2023

The Gun, Ridsdale at 7.30pm

Present:  Councillors: C. Hamilton (Chair), C. Hawman (Vice- Chair), S. Smith & K. Traill.
Clerk: C. Woodcock.  Members of the Public: None.


  1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs D.Mole, A. Wilson, D. Anderson.
  2. Code of Conduct (Declaration of Interest): Cllr C Hawman in respect of The Gun at Ridsdale and North Tyne Youth. Cllr K Trail in respect of North Tyne Youth. Cllr S. Smith in respect of Bellingham Middle School Parents, Teachers and Community Association & the Corsenside Flood Resilience team.
  3. Opportunities for members of the public to raise issues: None
  4. Minutes of Parish Meeting held on Monday the 6th of November 2023: Signed as a true and accurate record.
  5. Matters arising from the minutes: i. The clerk described how getting NCC to instal the two requested bins was still very challenging. The go ahead to use Wheelie Bins, as recommended, was given but prices and confirmation are still awaited. ii. A draft of the letter to our MP will be prepared shortly and shared with the Chair for final approval iii. Charlton’s Drainage have agreed to look at the village green but advised it may take some time before the right person can visit.  
  6. Notification of any other business for discussion, at the Chairman’s discretion, under item 16 below: Cllr K Traill one point.
  7. County Councillor’s Report: None.
  8. Ongoing Issues (formally Action Point List): 91. TWM have installed the two replacement signs in West Woodburn. There is already concern they may not be working correctly as service appears intermittent, this will be monitored. There was discussion about the display on the devices and if the new ones are equal to what was removed. The clerk has requested the instruction manuals so we can see if there are additional display options. The signs for Ridsdale remain with TWM for repair, this was insisted upon by CPC after it became known TWM intended to re-erect signs which were not fully functioning. CW to keep in contact and chase progress.
  9. Play Area: We have received reports of further animal faeces in the play area, again believed to be from cats. CW to check if it needs cleaned.
  10. Volunteers and Community Spending: The defibrillator case in Ridsdale is intermittently flashing red, indicating that the temperature inside the case may be falling below optimum levels for maintaining the defib battery. Currently the defibrillator is unharmed and in working condition. Replacement outdoor, lockable cases cost in the region of £600. An offer has been received from DHSC for a grant towards a new defibrillator and case reducing the usual cost of £1100- £1400 to £750 although Installation fees would also be incurred. It was decided this offer represents the best value for money and would leave the parish with a spare defibrillator. CW to ask Ray Wind Fund if they would contribute £500 towards the costs. Cllr Hamilton to discuss replacement with the property owners. 
  11. Wind Power Stations & BANTR:  A. Thomson reported that “Schools continue to be awarded funding according to numbers, B4RN Barrasford area construction was awarded funding. Friends of Hexham Priory school was awarded funding towards new mini bus. Gunnerton Playing field was awarded funding for new basket swing and safety matting. Redesdale and Three Kirks newsletter awarded funding for a new laptop to continue production of the newsletter. Elsdon Bonfire was awarded an amount towards the costs of organising this event.”  
  12. Parish Hall: Contact has been made with some of the members of the Parish Hall committee who are happy to informally report back to CPC news about the Hall.  
  13. Planning Matters: a) Planning Matters        a) For decision –23/04122/FUL - Land South of Jubilee Cottages, West Woodburn. Queries CPC raised about this application the last time it was submitted are addressed in the new paperwork, as such the parish council have no objections to the plans providing access to the rights of way across the site are maintained. b) Decisions from NCC – None
  14. Other correspondence: i. An automated email informed CPC that Northumbrian Water would be closing the end of Armstrong Street for all of January. After sharing this news on social media specific concerns were raised about the lorries which need access to the farms. Further queries by the clerk and several parishioners has resulted in a new notification showing the road closure will only last a few days and is no longer to be in effect all day. The parish council feel this work is better scheduled for a warmer month as the alternative route is inaccessible in bad weather.
  15. Finances –   a) Invoices for payment – i. Stationary / card - £2.95 ii. Clerk Wages – November (£225), iii. Corsenside Parish Hall – Room hire (various totalling £106) b) Bank Balance £13,385.50 c) Precept. A meeting to review the budget was attended by Cllrs Hamilton and Wilson, alongside the clerk. The overall budget for 24/25 rose by only £125 over this year, necessary for the rising insurance premium. Plans were made to absorb any other increases with reductions in spending elsewhere. As part of the multiyear plan to raise the precept to match the annual budget it was decided to implement the final increase necessary and request £10,000. This represents a rise of £1.60 per parishioner on their annual council tax bill. The precept 2024/25 will closely match the council’s operating budget and the bank balance will represent approximately one year’s spending in reserve, achieving the sought after financial position. d) Salary Review – after an annual performance appraisal the Chair suggested moving the Clerk into the final scale point, which includes a pay rise. All in agreement. The increased rate will apply for hours worked during December. It was discovered that the current scale point pay rose by £1 per hour in April and some backpay amounting to about £132 (TBC) is now owed, this will be added to the payclaim in December.
  16. Matters for discussion at the chairman’s discretion: i. Cllr K Traill asked the council to consider options to make the Remembrance Day Services safer. Currently the service is held on one side of the road and attendees remain on the other side. This makes it difficult to hear the proceedings and impacts on the passing traffic, with some cars coming to a halt near to a blind bend. Could steps be used to allow attendees to access and stand in the field behind the Cenotaph? This and other ideas to be given thought.
  17. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Monday 5th February at 7.00 – The Bay Horse.

    Meeting ended 9.40 pm.

Please note this is a DRAFT COPY and as such, subject to change.
Christine Woodcock, Corsenside Parish Council Clerk,   
07737518867 corsensideparishclerk@hotmail.com



Action Point List (December):



  • CW to write to Guy Opperman & NCC
  • CW to keep in touch with TWM – are new signs working, when to expect repaired Ridsdale signs.
  • CW to chase NCC re new bins
  • CW to seek advice about drainage options.
  • CW to book Bay Horse for meeting
  • CW to check animal mess in play area
  • CW to contact RWF and organise defib
  • C Hamilton to discuss defib replacement.
  • All to consider Cenotaph safety
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