

On this page you will find Notices of forthcoming Parish Council meetings and other local news.  If you have items of news you would like to have included on this page, please contact Martin Chilvers, Otterburn Parish Clerk (details on the Contact Us page) or send a message using the Guestbook.

06 February 2025Parish Council meetings

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 4 March, 2025 at 7.30pm.

The meeting is due to held in the Otterburn Memorial Hall. Should you wish to participate please contact the Parish Clerk at otterburnpc@hotmail.co.uk .

The Agenda for the meeting can be found here or in the appropriate section of the 'Document Library' a few days before the meeting as well as the Notice Boards located in Otterburn at the entrance to Willowgreen and at the Memorial Hall. 

Should a Parishioner wish to raise a topic for discussion at a Parish Council meeting please see the attached that also details 'surgery' time with the Councillors after each meeting.

Additionally a draft version of the minutes from the previous meeting are available to view within the 'Document Library'.

Should you wish to have a copy of the agenda emailed to you please write to otterburnpc@hotmail.co.uk

05 February 2025Two leylandii conifers in Willow Green

Two leylandii confiers at the edge of the green at Willow Green have grown very tall and are overhanging the road at the corner. The Parish Council has sought guidance as to the options how best to deal with the matter.

Whilst trimming the two trees back is an option this cost is similar to the removal of the two trees. Additionally cutting back the two trees would need to be a regular job and as the Parish Council operates on a tight budget the Parish Councillors have decided the best way forward is for the trees to be felled.

The Parish Council will be planting a few new tree saplings that will be native and wildlife friendly.

The work is scheduled to happen on 10 (and possibly 11th) February and it is likely that there will be logs available for anyone who wishes to have them on a first come, first served basis. Please however do not collect any logs until the work has been fully completed.

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