Carers Northumberland
Are you an unpaid carer? Do you spend time looking after someone who depends on you because of illness (physical or mental), disability, frailty or substance misuse? If so then you are one of many people across Northumberland and Carers Northumberland is here to support you.
You don’t need to be living with the person you care for or related to them. It might be that you provide care for each other – what we can do is help you look after your needs so you can stay fit and healthy and be able to carry on caring for as long as you want or are able to. We know just how isolating caring can be and how hard it is to put your own needs first.
Carers Northumberland is a charity that covers the whole of the Northumberland area. We can provide practical advice on money issues, benefits, access to breaks and social care support and have an Information line available every weekday. We also have a number of carer groups across the area where you can meet with other carers, have a coffee and a chat or listen to a talk. We offer trips out too and events such as relaxation days or skills workshops.
If groups aren’t for you or are just too hard to get to we can offer one to one advice and support either face to face or via the telephone. We provide a quarterly newsletter for everyone registered with us and regular e-news for those with internet access. Registering also gives you access to our Carers Emergency Card Scheme which can give you peace of mind that the person you are caring for will not be left alone if you find yourself unable to be with them.
If you would like to register with us or would just like to know more please ring our Information line: 01670 320025 or have a look at our website . We are also more than happy to come and talk to local groups about our work and what we can offer.