Financial Information
2023/24 Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit
2023/24 External Auditor Report and Certificate
2023/24 Payments made over £100
2023/24 Explanation of Variances
2023/24 Bank Reconciliation as at 31.03.2024
2023/24 Accounting Statements - audited
2023/24 Annual Governance Statement - audited
2023/24 Annual Internal Audit Report
2023/24 Notice of Public Rights
2022/23 Explantion of Variances
2022/23 Bank Reconciliation at 31/03/23
2022/23 Annual Governance Statement
2022/23 Annual Internal Audit Report
2022/23 Certificate of Exemption - AGAR Form 2
2022/23 Exempt Authority Notice of Public Rights
2021/22 Year end Notice of Public Rights
2021/22 Year end Internal audit report
2021/22 Year end Final budget spend comparison and Asset register
2021/22 Year end Bank reconciliation and Payments over £100
2021/22 Year end Schedule of Variances
2021/22 Final Budget Figures for 2022/23
2021/22 3rd quarter PC internal check list and budget comparison
2021/22 2nd quarter PC internal check list and budget comparison
2021/22 1st quarter PC internal check list and budget comparison
2020/21 Year end Notice of Conclusion of Audit of End of year Accounts
2020/21 Year end Audited Annual Governance and Statement of Accountability Return
2020/21 Year end Notice of Publlic Rights of End of year Accounts
2020/21 Year end Review of Effectiveness of Internal Audit Report
2020/21 Year end Internal Audit Report
2020/21 Year end Schedule of Variances
2020/21 Year end Payments made over £100.00
2020/21 Year end Final budget comparison figures
Conclusion of Audit for End of year Accounts 2019/20
Audited Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return 2019/20
Audited Annual Govenance Statement and Accountability Return 2018/19
Audited Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return 2017/18
Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return 2016/17
Internal Audit Report 2016/2017