

Forest Hill with Shotover Parish Council has set aside a sum of money to be awarded in grants to organisations for projects that will be of benefit to the residents of our Parish.

To qualify for a grant, an organisation/individual must first complete a grant application form and submit it to the Parish Clerk. The applicant must be able to demonstrate that any funding provided by the Parish Council will be of benefit to the Parish or its inhabitants. The Parish Council will not normally make grants to organisations outside of the Parish unless it can be demonstrated that there are direct benefits to the Parish. Applications should be for ‘one-off’ grants which will not result in recurring expenditure to the Parish Council.

Other factors that the Parish Council will take into account when considering a grant application include;

Whether the Parish Council has the power to make this grant

Whether the applicant has demonstrated some degree of fundraising on a “self-help” basis

Whether the applicant has applied to other bodies for funding for the same project


The Parish Council will consider grant applications at Parish Council Meetings.  Grants can only be awarded by resolution of the Full Council and are dependent on the availability of funds and the suitability of the application. Grants will not be made retrospectively.

If you wish to complete an application form or ask for more information please contact the clerk


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