Burial Ground
The new Milton Road burial ground was officially opened on 23rd April 2016. Current regulations and fees are listed below although these are subject to periodic revision.
Burial Ground Regulations
Residents of the Parish of Clapham or their close family have a right of burial in the Milton Road Burial Ground. Those who work in Clapham are not eligible and it will be at Council’s discretion to allocate plots to those with another close connection to the village.
Neither the reservation of a grave space, nor the exercise of the right of burial, nor the erection of a monument confers any right of ownership upon the relatives of the deceased or upon any other person in respect of any part of the ground. The erection of a monument is a privilege.
Nothing is to be erected or placed and no work carried out in the ground without the consent of the Council.
Wreaths or cut flowers can be laid direct on the grave but the Council retains the right to remove them when they appear withered. Low level planting, edging, chippings and artificial flowers are permitted on plots. Trees, shrubs and statues are not permitted.
Memorial Stones
No stones are permitted on woodland burial plots or in the wood but plaques may be attached to the inside edge of the fence.
Memorial stones can be any colour and shape, polished or unpolished except garish colours or bright white. All stones will be laid flat on plots and can be concreted in to prevent them slipping but concrete should be kept to a minimum. Stones on ashes plots cannot exceed 30cm x 30cm and on grave plots 45cm x 45cm. Stones may contain holders for fresh flowers but these may not protrude above the level of the ground surface.
Clapham Milton Road Burial Ground Fees
Single grave £250
Double grave £400
Single ashes plot £125
Double ashes plot £200
Single woodland burial £325
Double woodland burial £525
Strewing of ashes in woodland £30
Still born or child under age 3 no charge
Memorials £40 (grave 45 x 45cm, ashes 30 x 30cm)