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06 June 2019
Clapham Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan will take place from 7th June until 20th July 2019.  

A copy of the response form is at 


or a paper copy is in the centre pages of the summer Village News.  Please return paper copies to the Parish Office in the Village Hall car park.

Copies of the draft plan and supporting documents are on the library page of this website under Neighbourhood Plan.  Paper copies of the draft plan are available to view at the Parish Office, the Post Office, the Spar, The Star and the Horse & Groom.  Please provide an email or postal address if you would like a response to your comments.

If you need any further information please call the Clerk on 346366 or email claphampc@btinternet.com

The map of the new settlement area is on the library page under Neighbourhood Plan.


Click for Map
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