Bedford BC will be closing part of the A6 overnight on 18th and 19th March for emergency bridge repairs.
Length Affected: From Clapham Road (Clapham) Roundabout to junction with Lovell Road, Oakley.
Reason: Emergency bridge repairs.
Dates: This temporary road closure is anticipated to be in operation as follows:
Southbound carriageway closure – 22:00 on 18th March 2020 to 06:00 19th March 2020
Northbound carriageway closure – 22:00 on 19th March 2020 to 06:00 on 20th March 2020
Contact/Applicant: For further information please contact Bedford Borough Council’s Highways Helpdesk on Tel: 01234 718003.
Signed Alternative Routes for Vehicles: Oakley Road, High Street, Bedford Road, Clapham Road. The reverse route applies.
Note: Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles.