The Borough Council commenced work on a new Local Plan in 2013. When adopted, the new document will update strategic planning policies to bring them into line with the National Planning Policy Framework. The Council will be inviting more comments from you before the plan itself is drafted. Since last year’s consultation some important studies have been completed and this is an opportunity to ask for your views on how the findings have been interpreted. This consultation will invite you to comment on the following;
(i) A vision for the plan and supporting objectives.
(ii) Levels of housing, employment, and retail growth along with the future of the town centre in general.
(iii) The plan’s spatial strategy – in other words where development sites will be located.
(iv) A development site selection methodology, explaining how the council will choose development sites from those submitted by land owners, developers and others with an interest in land.
(v) A local green space selection methodology, explaining how the council will choose local green spaces for inclusion in the local plan.
There will also be a further opportunity for potential development sites to be submitted to the council. Further information about consultation dates and locations of drop in sessions, where council officers will be available to answer questions, will be provided shortly and details will be kept up to date on the Local Plan 2032 page of the Council’s web site (
The whole report is at pages 217 – 248 and proposes 800-900 new dwellings for Clapham.
Clapham NDP Group will be at the Clapham Show so come along and let us have your views.