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08 January 2016
A6 slip road closure

Proposed Temporary Road Closure – Paula Radcliffe Way, Clapham

Bedford BC has announced a temporary road closure at the above location to facilitate chevron replacement work. Details are listed in the schedule below.

The alternative route for diverted traffic is as shown below and will be signed accordingly. The restriction is to be in operation only when the necessary signs are erected on site. The Legal Order will be made to cover a four month period; however, it is anticipated that the closure will be in operation between 9.30am and 3.30pm on 3 days from Monday 29th February 2016 to Wednesday 2nd March 2016 – Specific dates will be advertised locally closer to the time.

Road:                           Paula Radcliffe Way, Clapham.

Length Affected:           The northbound exit slip which extends from the main A6 for approximately 40 metres towards Oakley Road, Clapham.

Application From:        Neil Cray – Bedfordshire Highways – 07725 445601.

Reason:                        To facilitate chevron replacement work.

Dates:                           The closure is anticipated to be in operation between 9.30am and 3.30pm on 3 days from Monday 29th February 2016 to Wednesday 2nd March 2016 – Specific dates will be advertised locally closer to the time.

Alternative Route:         Proceed in a northerly direction along the main A6 to the next northbound exit slip. Leave the main A6 via that exit slip and continue to the roundabout adjoining Highfield Road, Oakley. Take the 2nd exit and continue over the A6 to the A6 southbound entry slip. Turn right and follow the entry slip onto the main A6 southbound. Continue to the next southbound exit slip, leave the A6 via that exit slip and continue to the roundabout adjoining Oakley Road, Clapham. Take the 2nd exit and continue over the A6 to site.


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