Biogen has advised that they will be applying biofertiliser from the Twinwoods Anaerobic Digestion plant to the fields in our area in the coming weeks. The Twinwoods plant recycles food waste to produce renewable electricity for the national grid. The biofertiliser produced as part of the process is rich in nutrients and is used by applying it to farmland by their sister company Bedfordia Farms (
The biofertiliser is applied twice a year and Biogen is now approaching the first spreading season and will therefore be applying fertiliser to the fields in our area in the coming weeks. Every effort will be made to ensure minimal disturbance to local residents.
The biofertiliser is spread using an applicator which trails the product directly onto the soil for maximum crop growth and to minimise the impact of any odour.
The biofertiliser has an odour, as does any other fertiliser or manure. Weather conditions play an important role in odour management and every effort will be made to ensure that spreading will only take place under favourable weather conditions to minimise disturbance to local residents. Conditions will be continually monitored throughout the spreading period.
Biogen has requested feedback to help them adapt their operations where necessary. If you have any queries regarding any of the above or experience any problems during the spreading of the biofertiliser, please contact them either by email at or by phone on 0844 326 7251.