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Emergencies                                                999

Crime in Progress                                        999

Non Emergencies                                         101

Crimestoppers                                 0800 555 111

Abandoned Vehicle Removal        01234 718060

Home Watch                                  01234-275275

PCSO James Dancer                                   101

Parish Council Clerk

Ann Paice                                      01234-346366


Village News                                  01234-346366


Village Hall Bookings

Mrs. Jean Coy                               07963 049968
Email: secretary.claphamvh@gmail.com


Mobile Library                                01234-276453


Little Monkeys

Martin                                            01234-306233

 Sue                                                01234-352814



Sue Statham                                    01234-772180


Colts Football Club

Kerry Hall                                          07754 730867

Email: kezza.jezza@ntlworld.com                             

Methodist Church

Rev. Gill Baalham                           01234-930025

Church Hall Bookings,                    01234-261314


Parish Church

Rev.Stephen Liley                           01234-352814


Roman Catholic services

Fr. Wayne Coughlin                       01234-352607


Clapham  Children's Centre             0300 323 0245


Clapham Concert Party

 Ross Campbell                              07733 236066


Clapham Allotments                     

Ann Paice                                         01234-346366


Society of Gardeners

Ted Jolliffe                             01234-327791/325014


School for Seniors

Berta Barnes                                   01234-211063

Beryl Litchfield                              01234-347375



Clapham Scout Group

Peter Hardwick                               07932 559405


Clapham Historical Society

Mollie Foster                                  01234-350353

Clapham Belles WI 

Email: secretarycbwi@gmail.com                      


Bedford Birdkeepers Social Club

Linda Shipp                                    01234-363097


Ursula Taylor School

Ms V. Morrall, Head Teacher            01234-359128


Clapham Pre-School

Sam Robinson                                01234-341142



 Ursula Taylor Charity

 Mrs Mavis Nicholson                     01234-405141



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