Bedford Borough Local Plan 2035: PLAN FOR SUBMISSION JANARY 2018
Bedford Borough Council is publishing its Local Plan 2035 for Submission for a six week period of public consultation from Monday 22nd January 2018 to 5 pm on Monday 5th March 2018 and your comments on the soundness of the Plan are invited.
The Bedford Borough Local Plan 2035 sets out borough wide planning policies and makes specific site allocations and land designations in the borough. It provides detailed proposals to meet the borough's development requirements up to 2035. The Bedford Borough Local Plan 2035 covers the whole of the Bedford Borough administrative area.
Paper copies of the Local Plan 2035: Plan for Submission and supporting documents will be available to view at the Council's Customer Service in Horne Lane, Bedford and at the following libraries during normal opening hours:
Bedford Central Library, Harpur Street, Bedford
Wootton Library, Lorraine Road, Wootton
Bromham Library, Springfield Drive, Bromham
Putnoe Library, Putnoe Street, Bedford
Kempston Library, Halsey Road, Kempston
Paper copies of the Plan for Submission only will be available to view at the following libraries during normal opening hours.
Biggleswade Library, Chestnut Avenue, Biggleswade
Flitwick Library, Coniston Road, Flitwick
Rushden Library, Newton Road, Rushden
St. Neots Library, Priory Lane, St Neots
Bedford Mobile Library
You can also view the Plan and the supporting documents on the Council's website at<>
How to respond:
Comments on the soundness of the plan can be made by:
* Completing the online response form.
* Emailing a WORD version of the response form (available as above)
* Completing a paper version of the response form and posting it to: Local Plan 2035, Planning Policy Team, Bedford Borough Council, Borough Hall, Bedford, MK42 9AP
Future Notification: Representations may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specified address of any of the following:
* When the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2035 has been submitted for independent examination under Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended);
* When the report of any person appointed to carry out an independent examination of the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2035 is published;
* When the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2035 has been adopted
Planning Policy Team
Bedford Borough Council
* 4th Floor, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP ' 01234 718070