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We are hugely indebted to local resident Jennifer Deadman; a Historical Building Consultant working for the likes of English Heritage. Jen obtained much information (old maps, documents and some photos) from one Rex G Dobbyn who lived in the village at Lochmore/Inchmore bungalow on the Harrogate Road. Rex worked as an engineer for English Electric and was heavily involved in the village, acting as Chairman of the Ferrensby Parish Meeting. He was also something of an antiquarian. He died at the age of 95, sometime around 1995.

Among Rex’s papers was a hand-written document which is transcribed in the document below. No claims can be made for the historical accuracy of this document but it seems to be a good starting point for delving into Ferrensby’s past.

Rex's document is entitled "FerrensbyInThePast.doc" and is located on the Library page.

In addition to Rex's document are a collection of assorted facts relating to Ferrensby for which there is some specific documentary evidence, sequenced mainly in chronological order. Particular acknowledgment must be made to the British Newspaper Archive from which much of this material was garnered.

This document is entitled "AFerrensbyHistoryTimeline.doc" and is located on the Library page.

Please let us know if you have anything to add or correct via the Feedback page.


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