22 May 2021
Annual Parish Assembly 16TH JUNE - SPORTS PAVILION (7.45 approx)

Villages like Cold Ashby are required to hold an annual assembly to allow village matters to be aired by local residents. The meeting is organised and supported by the Parish Council, but it is not a PC meeting and residents can add their own items to the agenda by contacting the clerk on 07966086735.

This year the meeting will be held in the Sports Pavilion, in a Covid safe environment (outside if possible!), at 7.45 on the 16th June. Everybody is welcome. There will be an AGM of the village hall at the same venue at 7 p.m. Everybody is welcome to that meeting, too. At 7.30, the PC will discuss its view of the planning application on MainStreet/Stanford Road (see news item).

The agenda for the assembly will include: Open Gardens, the new Golf Centre, the new VAS unit, the pub, litter and the environment (including traffic!) and other items suggested by you. Get in touch and let us know what you want to talk about. THIS IS YOUR MEETING. 


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