Please note that Zoom Meetings are now ended. Future meetings will take place in the Sports Pavilion (June21 - September21) and in the Village Hall (Oct 21-March 22 inclusive). First Wednesday of each month except July (no meeting).
Below are details of Zoom meetings for the Parish Council.
1. Parish Council
ZOOM meetings of the Parish Council. All parish council meetings will now take place on zoom: All virtual meetings are now suspended. Next meeting, 2nd June is at the Sports Pavilion.
Start date: from October meeting 2020 End date: 6th May 2021
Government advice is that Parish Council meetings, which are open to the public, should take place 'virtually', where this is possible. Cold Ashby Parish Council will hold meetings using ZOOM software and anyone who has access to a computer, tablet or smart phone can join in. The link for each meeting will always be published below:
Topic: Cold Ashby Parish Council
Time: no zoom meetings until further notice
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 994 851 9733
You can simply click on this link or, if it doesn't respond, paste it into a browser, or right click and follow the link. You will be asked to give a name, click a non-robot box and then join. The waiting room will open at 7p.m. so if the meeting has not started when you join, simply wait and the page will go live when it does. The clerk will be aware that you are in the waiting room.
If you prefer, you can get a personal invitation to join, five minutes before the meeting by emailing the clerk with your request on