03 July 2022
'Pride and Prejudice' - St Rumbald Church, Stoke Doyle - Sunday 7th August 3pm


St Rumbald Church, Stoke Doyle - 'Pride and Prejudice' - Sunday 7th August 3pm, Tickets £15.

"We are delighted to be welcoming the ‘This is my Theatre’ group to perform an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice in our Georgian church. ‘This is my Theatre’ is a small group of talented performers based in Sussex who bring classical favourites to life, with music and drama, in churches and historic buildings around the country.

‘At least one of the Bennet sisters must marry well in order for the family to avoid destitution upon the death of Mr Bennet and so the task of finding suitable matches begins. The sisters are very different though and matrimony is an easier option for some than others. Following Elizabeth we discover that not all judgments quickly made are correct, in particular when the dashing Mr Darcy is involved’

With music throughout audiences will fall in love all over again with Jane Austen’s best-selling novel!’"

Do visit the ‘This is my Theatre’ website for more information about the group and their performances.

Tea and cake will be offered after the performance to raise money for church funds.

Tickets available from https://www.thisismytheatre.com/pride-and-prejudice or emdoherty@sky.com or 0771 3396 130.

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