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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 30/07/2019.

SCA Prudhoe Miners Race 2013

The 2013 Miners’ Race was run for a second consecutive year, this time on the morning of Sunday 22 September 2013, with 154 runners completing the course. The race distance was extended from 5 miles to 10 kilometres (6.25 miles). Starting at the Falcon pub, the race looped through the town centre, including the stiff climb of Beaumont Way, before returning through the start and down Eastwoods Road to Hagg Bank, then travelling west along the Tyne Riverside path to the finish close to Ovingham Bridge. Following the adult race, an excellent response from young runners meant that 54 started and completed the junior run (9-15 years), while the total for the 1.5 km mini-run (3-8 years) was 56! These races took place on the traffic-free Tyne Riverside path.

Prudhoe Town Council clerk, Richard Whinney, explains: “Last year, runners were put through their paces with a demanding five mile course which included a testing mile-long climb from West Mickley to High Mickley.  This year, the course for the adult race will be 10km (6.25 miles) long, making for a slightly longer race than in 2012, but mainly downhill or on the flat. We hope this will encourage regular or club runners to challenge themselves to achieve personal bests, while the easier terrain and fantastic views along the route will hopefully attract those new to the sport.”

Clive Bell, chair of the SCA charity committee, said: “The race is good for the town. There was a real buzz around last year’s event with many supporters lining the route encouraging participants and celebrating with them at the finish line. As word gets out, we hope it will gain in popularity with the number of entrants increasing year-on-year.

“SCA is a committed supporter of community-led events which encourage all ages to get active and have fun together.  The Prudhoe Miners’ Race was devised in the heyday of the old collieries and was a proud tradition, today the collieries have gone but the race is back and open to everyone. I’m sure this year it will be another great success.”

Sponsors SCA generously supported all the races, and ensured that all of those who competed in the junior events received a magnificent commemorative medal, while the Youth Charity Shop kindly supplied trophies for the junior events.

North Country Leisure’s local team were enthusiastic supporters, while BBC weatherman Paul Mooney presented all of the trophies. On the day the race could not have gone ahead without the help of the volunteer marshals and the army cadets. The Council thanks all who helped make the race day such a success, including all the competitors, and the local schools who encouraged their pupils to take part in the junior events.

The 2014 races will take place on Sunday 21 September.  For more details or to book online now, click HERE


At the launch of the SCA Prudhoe Miners Race 2013 were Hazel Noble and Clive Bell from SCA, Prudhoe Mill; Cllr Mrs Jennifer McGee who chairs the Town Council Events Committee; Cllr Andy Gill, Clerk Richard Whinney and son Jonny Whinney who are noth keen runners; and Ronnie Milligan, whose grandfather won the cup 3 times in a row over a century ago.

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