Prudhoe Town Council | sitemap | log in |
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 30/07/2019. | ||
2017/18 BUDGET AND EXPENDITUREThe Town Council pays for services and responsibilities through their budget. This is made up, in the main, from the precept paid by the council tax-payers of Prudhoe, in addition to income from sponsorship and events, burial fees, the reclaim of VAT, grants and any balances from the previous year. A summary of the 2017/18 Budget is shown below; the pie-chart offers a helpful illustration as to where money is expected to be spent: (click on the image to open in PDF format) Please note that the budget has changed slightly since it was set on 25th January 2017. A more detailed statement is shown below: (click on the image to open in PDF format) COMPARING 2017/18 WITH 2016/17 You can also see how this year's budget compares to spending last year in the graph below: (click on the image to open in PDF format) Below you can view the Budget and Expenditure spreadsheet as a working document; this is updated regularly and uploaded monthly. BUDGET & EXPENDITURE 2017/18 (this will be uploaded when spending progresses) SPENDING The council must publish details of each individual item of expenditure that exceeds £500. The council publish all accounts on a monthly basis and the details can be found below: SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER
EXTERNAL AUDIT - ANNUAL GOVERNANCE AND AUDIT REVIEW It is usual for the Town Council to have its end of year audit signed off by 30th September, this year, due to there being a newly appointed external auditor, this was not possible and a limited review was provided, followed by a final report. The External Auditor is: PKF Littlejohn LLP 1 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf London E14 4HD The council completes an external audit each year, in June, for the previous year. In simple terms this looks at movements of money from one year to another, balances carried forward and assets. Additionally, any significant changes in spending have to be explained. You can download all reports relating to both the internal and the external audit below: 2017/18 Annual Governance and Annual Review, section 1 and 2 2017/18 AGAR Section 3 - Limited Assurance Review Notice of Conclusion of External Audit 2017/18 External Auditor Final Report
Annual Internal Audit Report 2017/18
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