Council Agendas and Minutes
Below you will find the published agendas and minutes of Town Council meetings that are open to the public.
The agenda for the Monthly Ordinary Meeting; Planning, Contract and Works Meeting and any Extra-ordinary Meetings are available on the Friday before the meeting and are displayed on Town Council notice boards.
Minutes of meetings are available following their approval at the subsequent months meeting.
You can also view the agenda and report of the 'In Bloom' working group that meets to discuss all things horticultural in the Town and to plan the Towns entry to Northumbria in Bloom. This group is always keen to welcome new members. Other events relevant to 'In Bloom' will be published on the website wherever possible.
Please also find the agenda and minutes of meetings of The Town Council's Young People's Forum. This group meets on the first Wednedsay of the month from 5pm at the East Centre to address and discuss areas of interest to the young people of the Town. The group consists of representatives of the Towns young people as well as members of the local police, teachers, Town Councillors and Youth Service staff. New members and ideas are always welcome.
If you have any queries regarding items discussed at Town Council meetings please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk.