SpanglefishPrudhoe Town Council | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 30/07/2019.

Memorials and Memorial Masons

The Town Council requires memorial masons to demonstrate current membership of a relevant nationally recognised trade association and / or of a registration scheme for qualified memorial fixers operated or sponsored by such an association, with a mandatory condition of membership in either case being binding adherence to the National Association of Memorial Masons’ (NAMM) Code of Working Practice, failure to abide by which could result in expulsion from membership of the trade association or register in the event of a breach of the Code deemed to be significant in nature or degree.

The Town Council also requires (1) masons’ undertaking to install new or replacement memorials to a designated specification (i) in respect of the memorial and (ii) in respect of the ground anchoring and foundation, and (2) masons’ undertaking to adhere to the Town Council’s own code of working practice, embodied in this Licence, for masons working in the Cemeteries. Only masons accredited as required above, and agreeing to operate to the specified standards, may be licenced to operate in the Cemeteries.

Those masons licensed to work in Edgewell Cemetery can be found by clicking HERE.

Application for memorial licence

Memorial Licence

Application to erect a memorial

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