Prudhoe Town Council Young People's Forum (PTCYPF)
Prudhoe Town Council Young People’s Forum was established 7 years ago, by Councillor George McCreedy MBE, Senior Youth Worker at The East Centre. Following his retirement, George continues to be involved with Young People in the town in his role as Town Councillor and as Chairman of the Young People’s Forum.
Any young person between the ages of 9-19 who lives in the
Prudhoe Area is welcome to attend the Youth Forum.
The Forum is usually held at The East Centre, Front Street, Prudhoe, however meetings have been held on occasion at Ferndene and also Highfield Middle School.
The Forum is held bi-monthly, on the 3rd Wednesday. Those attending receive an agenda in advance and are able to suggest items for inclusion. Minutes are recorded and agreed at the subsequent meeting. All minutes are also received by Prudhoe Town Council, at their monthly Ordinary Meeting.
If you wish to have a direct say on issues important to young people in Prudhoe, help to organise activities and work to raise the positive profile of young people in the area, this is the place for you. You will get to meet people from a range of organisations who are interested in your views.
“Prudhoe can be proud of giving Young people the opportunity to bring forward issues affecting their lives. It is one of the few areas this opportunity arises, encouraging Young People to become more involved, either in groups or as individuals.”
Cllr George McCreedy
Come along to our meetings and have your say!