SpanglefishPrudhoe Town Council | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 30/07/2019.



Wednesday 10th January 2018 (click on the link to open the agenda and each associated paper)

  1. Notice of casual vacancy
  2. Report of the Planning, Contract and Works Committee Meeting, held on 8th November 2017
  3. Planning Applications Received
  4. Planning Notifications Received
  5. Report of the meeting held on 27th November 2017 - Eastwood Park
  6. Acting Clerk’s Report on Banning Dogs from Edgewell Cemeteries and Highfield Park
  7. Request for feedback  and images of similar signs
  8. Email feedback given by Cllr Glenn Simpson on temporary signs
  9. Email sent to request meeting with Senior Team - NCC Youth Service 
  10. Report of meeting held on 13th December 2017

Wednesday 14th March 2018 (click on the link to open the agenda and each associated paper)

  1. Report of PCW’s meeting held on 14th February 2018
  2. Planning Applications Received
  3. Planning Decisions Received
  4. Cemetery Report, 11th January 2018
  5. Cemetery Report, 6th March 2018
  6. Lychgate War Memorial Project update
  7. Survey for completion

Wednesday 9th May 2018 (click on this link to open the agenda)


  1. Code of Conduct
  2. List of committees, sub-committees and working groups for which representatives must be agreed, with current representatives listed
  3. List of outside bodies for which representatives must be agreed, with current representative noted
  4. Financial Regulations (adopted April 2017)
  5. Financial and Management Risk Assessment 2018
  6. Planning Applications Received
  7. Planning Notifications Received
  8. Phase 2 Development Cottier Grange, Street Naming and Numbering
  9. Emails detailing summary of consultation discussions between Prudhoe & District Local History Society and Gentoo
  10. Email from Rebecca Marshall (Westgarth) requesting seat in memory of Scott Westgarth
  11. Prudhoe West Academy, NCC Highway improvements proposals

Wednesday 12th September 2018 (click on the link to open the agenda)

  1. Minutes of the PCW’s Committee, 15th August 2018
  2. Matters Arising
  3. Planning Applications Received/Planning Decisions
  4. Financial Report of Litter Bins Required (following audit)

Wednesday 24th October 2018 (click on the link to open the agenda)

  1. Committee Structure Modifications, May 2011
  2. Report on Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Groups
  3. PCW’s Terms of Reference
  4. PCW’s Scope of Work
  5. HR Committee Terms of Reference


10th January 2018

14th March 2018

AGM 9th May 2018



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